I let out a gasp and grabbed on to Fives arm and shook him. He was frozen and couldn't move. I shook him aging and he snapped out of it, but right before he blinked us out of thr closet Reginald hit my eyebrow with his cane leaving a deep cut.

I let a sigh of relief out when we were back in the hallway. I reached up to my eyebrow and felt the blood on my face. Five was going to say something but we saw one of the Swedes.

"Shit." We said at the same time and I ducked to avoid the first hit. Five wasn't so lucky and was grabbed by the coat and slammed into the wall.

Five blinked away and reapered behind the man kicking his knees sending him to the floor. I had jumped onto the man's back and got him into a chokehold, I held on tight as he struggles.

It didn't last long before the man threw me over his back and I hit the floor, hard. I had the air knocked out of me, but before the man could hit me I moved out of the way so all he hit was air.

The man whipped his head around to Five who tried blinking away but couldn't. I took the chance to send the man flying forward using telekinesis.

I moved to hit the man but he got my first square in the eye. I fell onto the floor and held my eye. I tried to open it but could only see out of my right one, the one that wasn't hit.

"Ah, shit." Five said when the Swede truned to him having enough of me who was trying to see out of both eyes.

The man used Fives unfocused gaze to hit a few blows to Fives abdomen, pushing him further and impossibly forward. Just close enough where he could escape and just far enough where Five could escape or fight back.

I moved off the floor but then someone eles came up behind me and looped his arms around my neck. He pulled me back that feet couldn't touch the ground.

I looked to see there was other one was also fighting Diego. I threw the man holding me into the wall and landed of my feet aging. The man got up and tried hitting me. I ducked under his legs and slid under him.

I stod up behind him and I was met with a blow to the lip. I felt it start bleeding and it started going down to my cheek. I wiped it away.

"God damn it, I hate these guys." I said catching my breath. I leaned my head down and looked back up to get hit with other blow to the guts. I fell to my knees and coughed, trying to breath. The Swede then pushed me hard against the wall.

I groaned and move to the side before the man could hit me aging. The Swede went tumbling forward into the wall.

I looked up to see I was next to a window. The man I was fighting saw that too and jumped into action. To make things fast I moved out of the way and stopped the man in his tracks.

He had a confused look, I had frozen him so I could throw him out the window. I let him go, but before he could do anything eles I threw him head first out the window. What an asshole.

I dusted the glass off my shoulder and was about to go help Five with who he was fighting. But to my surprise, Lila was already helping him.

I looked to see that Diego still needed help so I ran over to him. I took off my jacket and jumped onto the Swedes back, like what I tried to do earlier. I wrapped my jacket around his neck and he fell to the ground.

I saw a vase on a table that was still standing and made it fly into the man head. It knocked him out I leaned my head back and sighed. I pushed the man off me.

"Thanks, you okay?" Diego asked wide eye helping me up off the ground.

"Yeah, I am okay. Let's get out of here." I said and we raced out of the building. It was night out where we saw Reginald. Five was speaking for their father, I think he was speaking Greek? But Reginald was gone and go into a car pulling away.

"Was that him?" Diego asked as we watched him leave.

"Yeah. I am getting the feeling dad is avoiding us." Five said.

"Hate to be the boring one guys but, uh shouldn't we get the hell out of here." Lila said scratching the back of her neck.

"When you say 'we' exactly who are you referring to?" Five asked her.

"Not a lot of ambiguity in that sentence." Lila said.

"Listen, I don't know who you are or where you came from, but whatever it is, I advise you go back to your posthaste." Five said.

"She's right Five. We gotta get out of here." Diego said trying to have not a fight break out.

"I just save your life, you kinder shit. If I hadn't stepped in all there would have been left is a blazer and bloody socks." Lila bit back.

"Exactly. Sure you can fight for yourself, but you don't have a scratch on you." I said as Five nodded next to me.

"So?" Lila asked.

"So, me, Five, and Diego are trained. And we got hit a lot, the scales aren't leave here." I said and I felt Fives hand sneak down to mine.

"And that's the problem. You're too good. You ask to many questions. You know too much. And you fight like what you know what your doing." Five explained.

"He's got a point." Diego spoke up.

"So I know who to handle myself, that makes me the bad guy?" Lila asked.

"Whoever you are, your in our way. If I see you aging I will kill you." Five said and walked off with his hand still in mine, we walked together.

"I need to patch my face up. And I want some sleep." I said yawning I felt Five squeeze my hand.

"Okay. Once we get back to Elliotts place." He said.

Once we go to Elliotts we saw Luther cooking eggs. I ignored him and went to the bathroom. I cleaned my cuts and I heard a knock at the doorway.

"Woah! Hugo what happened?" Lisa asked looking at my face.

"Just a little fight that's all. Luther is making eggs, you should go eat some." I said looking at my eyebrow.

"Okay. You should probably get some sleep." Lisa said I nodded and she went to the kitchen.

I finshed cleaning my cuts and have a huge headache behind my eye. I change out of the suit into a plain shirt and some comfortable jeans.

I came into the main area and fell onto the couch. I fell asleep as soon as I layed down.

In the next chapter I hoping for Lisa and Five grow more of a friendship.

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