Treasure Hunt

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As Alexis is looking around a skull cave with Peter she sees that Jane has found the treasure inside.

"Hey Jane you did it!" Alexis says happily.

"Lost Boys! Jane found the treasure in Dead Man's Cave!" Peter shouts as he and Alexis come over to Jane.

"Yahoo!" The boys shout as they swing in on a vine.

"The treasure!" The twins say happily as they land in the water.

"Attention! Fall in! In honor of your downright unbelievable skill at finding hidden treasures... I now proclaim you Jane and Alexis now Lost Boys! Uh I mean a Lost Girls." Peter says as he makes Alexis and Jane Lost Girls.

"Us? The very first Lost Girls?" Jane asks in shock.

"What's the matter? Don't you want to be?" Peter asks as he notices the shock from the two girls.

"Oh yes." Jane says happily.

"I'd like that very much Peter." Alexis says shyly before she feels something push her into Peter causing her to hug him as the two blush and laugh nervously.

"Let's hear it for Jane!" Slightly shouts as the Lost Boys cheer before the group starts singing. After a bit the group hears a loud whistle.

"No wait! No!" Jane shouts as the group falls to the ground.

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