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"I told you not to smile. Why are you smiling?" Taehyung asked while, he didn't even looked at Minhee, too busy reading some philosophy book. "You have to be mysterious, not smiling and bubbly. Again."

"I'm so fuckin' done. How many times do I have to do it?"

Minhee was struggling to keep her position stable, her back straight, and her facial expression straight. Taehyung was basically making his second version, but female. It was too hard to follow since both of them are different people.

"Don't swear, for now. I'd like you to focus on your task." He sighed. "Get up, go over there, and come here as if you're in some fuckin' psycho k-drama. Do it now."

Taehyung was watching her completely. He wanted her to be perfect; her walk should be as smooth as his. Her walk should draw attention without doing much. Minhee knew that lessons with Taehyung, another assistant of Mr. Choi, were tough, but never to that level.

"This is it. Fine?"

"Good." He also stood up."Now we're going to find your style, girl."


If Jaehyun could turn back time, he would do it with no second thoughts. Sometimes he misses all the times when it was just him, his father, and his mother. The perfect bubble was something he enjoyed more than his current reality. Living in the bubble of lies was something he'd like to do right now. Being unaware of your surroundings sounds better than being aware.

"What are you thinking about?" Doyoung asked from another treadmill. "You seem lost in your thoughts."

"My father already gave me his orders." Jaehyun wasn't even looking at his friend, because it'd make it worse for him. "I have a few months to find a wife. Fuckin wife."

"I'm glad mine isn't like that." Other male chuckled. "Yeon? The girl you've been fuckin. Isn't she nice?"

Jaehyun choked on his saliva.

"Are you nuts? No way. Never. I'd rather die than marry such a fucker as her. She's a spoiled little shit, and it makes me sick to my stomach. Bragging about everything and always being unthankful. I'd never."

"Yuta said the same thing." Doyoung chuckled again. "You don't have many options. Your father will kill you if you don't get anyone."

"I know, dickhead. I'll find a girl before D-Day."

One thing about Jaehyun is that he will not marry someone he does not even like. In his family, it was a tradition, yet in his mind, it was a curse.

"By the way, I haired Johnny at my art gallery. His salary is ten times better than before."

"I thought he didn't want to work under any of us."

"Something has changed, I suppose." He shrugged. "I don't know. He isn't talking much about it. Maybe he found someone?"

"Nah, I don't think so. He was at his place getting drunk and doing nothing."

"We should visit him, tonight."

Jaehyun looked at his friend, and smiled.



"I think red doesn't suit me." Minhee said while trying on her 26th dress that Taehyung and some women picked it for her. "It looks like I'm wearing something a granny would wear."

"I agree. Forget about red." Taehyung smiled at her. "Next."

Two hours passed in a luxurious place, which happened to be the Prada shop. Taehyung took Mr. Choi's orders seriously, and none of them would leave until Minhee had the nicest clothes ever.

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