A Short Note

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The life of the true Christ follower is a life of sacrifice. Since Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice for us, we are called to sacrifice our lives to Him and others. This doesn't always mean dying for someone; sacrifice comes in many forms. We can sacrifice our time, our money, our attention, and our possessions for others, among other things. To God, we can sacrifice all of that, as well as our desires, our will, our actions, and our thoughts. 

Sacrifice is love, and we know this only because of Jesus' sacrifice for us. That was insane love, the kind of love we should have for Him and for others, and laying down our lives for them is definitely insane love. Why would you lay down your life for strangers? For people you don't like? For Someone you can't see? Because of the sacrifice of the One we can't see. So be willing to sacrifice your life for Him and others. Follow Jesus' example, because that's what we're called to do. 

Day of Salvation | Issue #9Where stories live. Discover now