Page 02 - Tale of Freedom

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You strummed your shamisen once more and were teleported to the harbor of the town. You looked around for your new crewmates until a voice called out your name.

"(First Name)!! Over here!!"

You turned to the source of the voice and saw Shanks waving to you with a wide smile. You walked over to him and followed him to the ship of the Roger Pirates. It was as what the rumors told you and you couldn't help but admire it up close.

"What do you think? Amazing, right?" Shanks noticed your stare on the ship and grinned.

You snapped out of it and felt embarrassed that you were caught. You nodded in response. "Yea, it was the first time I get to see it up close"

You could've sworn that you saw Shanks's nose getting longer because of a compliment but you didn't question it.

When you reached the Oro Jackson, Roger saw both of you and ran down to you.

"Ah, (First Name)!! That was quick!!" Roger said as he lifted you and hugged you.

The crew behind him looked confused. Why is their captain hugging someone they had never seen before? After Roger put you down, he explained to his crew about their new crewmate and they started welcoming him.

"(First Name), I want to ask you if you could show what kind of skill you have" Oden appeared out of nowhere and asked you the moment you stepped foot on the ship's deck.

You raised a brow. He sounded a bit excited. It's probably because of your father's origins in Wano which is quite understandable. You were pretty embarrassed. No one had ever asked you further about your father before which warmed your heart a little.

"Sure, Oden. I know how to swing a sword a little and as you saw back at the town square, I use my shamisen to harness my power to bring paper origamis to life but I can also do more than that" you replied.

"There are others?!" Oden asked, astonished.

You nodded in confirmation. "My power grew stronger over 5 years but I still have more to learn to grasp this newfound power"

"Could you show us more of this power of yours?" Oden asked, excitedly.

You shook your head. "I would love to but I'm very tired right now"

Oden sighed, looking dejected. You panicked as you felt bad for refusing his request. He looked so excited that you didn't know what to do.

Roger was laughing, watching this comical but normal scene. "Hahaha!! It's alright, Oden!! We still have a few days left to reset plus we haven't restocked our supplies yet!! While we restock tomorrow, you and (First Name) will have the time to get to know each other, and don't be so disheartened, (First Name). Oden was just excited to meet you again when he found out about your father's origins. He wanted to hear more of your stories"

You perked up when he mentioned your stories. Right, not everyone was at the town square earlier. This was your favorite thing to do and telling people stories of your father brought you joy and the bonding with the people around you as well as your father in spirit. You gripped your shamisen and your eyes shone with excitement. The best time to tell the tale is at night. It's what makes it mesmerizing. Plus it's better for explaining to them through stories than by mouth as you're not good at it.

"I could explain to you through stories. It is better that way plus I was thinking of doing it at night" you said.

"Really?! That would be great!! I would love to hear more of your stories!!" Oden said, his eyes lit up and sparkled.

The rest of the crew was curious about it too so they were looking forward to it and laughed alongside Roger. Your lips curled up into a smile and Rayleigh noticed it so he smiled as well.

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