[32] The Hero of Alabasta

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Chapter 32: The Hero of Alabasta

A Wood-Clone. That's who Tsuru arrested.

Hashirama knew what would happen to Robin if he let her get arrested, as per her suggestion. It may not happen by Tsuru's own hands, but the moment Robin were to reach the Marine Base, she would be killed.

Knowing that, Hashirama had no intention to live by her suggestion, so he didn't. He took a rather big risk, instead.

Hashirama created a Wood Clone filled with 5 days worth of chakra, which then used the Transformation Jutsu to imitate Robin's appearance.

The clone had a goal set, too. After it would be escorted out of Alabasta's borders, when it would be in the Marine Ship far out in the sea, it would break out from its cell.

Breaking out would be very easy since it was chained with Sea Stone handcuffs, and that thing didn't restrict Hashirama's powers. Then, while being intentionally chased by some Marines, the clone would jump out of the ship, and onto the sea.

Under water, it would disperse itself. It would vanish into the sea, leaving nothing but chakra behind that would rush back to the Main Hashirama.

The observers, the marines, would try to search for the body but would fail to find it. By the time they give up, they will come to believe that Nico Robin committed suicide by jumping into the sea. The conclusion would be; a Sea King ate her body.

That news, when sent to Sengoku, will finally end the hunt for Robin. She won't be a wanted criminal any longer. At least, until she was to re-emerge later on.

"...Aaand that is exactly what had happened," Hashirama said, taking a bite out of a burger. "I would know because of the detailed memories I received from my clone, my poor copy who committed suicide in your name."

Hashirama was sitting on top of a bed, his back against the bed frame, while two girls were sitting on two edges of the bed. Robin and Mikita.

"I see," said Robin as she read a newspaper. "You are not lying... the news says I am dead, so naturally my hunt will stop. Unbelievable."

"News spreads fast," Hashirama said. "It's just been a few hours, yet your 'death' has already been announced."

It was a new morning; Sir Crocodile and his group were captured yesterday. At night, when the marine ship was in the middle of nowhere in the sea, Hashirama's Clone had done things exactly as planned. It's been a few hours since the clone dispersed itself; memories rushed at the Main Hashirama at light speed right away.

Hashirama the Main was sleeping then and was shocked awake by the memories.

It was morning, and so it had just been a few hours since then, yet the newspapers depicted that Nico Robin had been captured and killed by the marines. The news didn't say she committed suicide, though. It rather said she was killed by one of the Marines on the ship, when Nico Robin was trying to escape. As for why such a lie was printed, Hashirama theorized it was to maintain the marines' image.

"It wouldn't look good for the marines if people learned a captured criminal managed to escape/commit suicide, would it? And yes, you are welcome," said Hashirama with a cocky smile, to which Robin replied with an incredulous expression.

"It's a good thing, sure. But, you know, Hashirama... Boss," Mikita said from the side, looking worried. "This will definitely get you in deep trouble. If they ever find out you tricked out a wanted criminal from them, I can only imagine the punishment you'll receive. Maybe even death... Isn't your sister a marine? What if she comes after you? That would be dramatic."

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