Chapter Thirty

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Chapter 30

Bella's nerves were stretched tighter than a dragon's heartstring, she had been hiding below the stadium for two days now, laying low as the aurors guarded the entrances and contestant tent without once searching the arena before the event.

She'd watched the whole by-play with the half giant, couldn't these people at least have some respectable friends? As they trooped off into their seats Bella took up station between the stands that was also an auror blind spot and tried to remain calm, she had no potions left and was beginning to feel the effects of them leaving her body but steeled herself with the knowledge that it would all be over soon. One way or the other her life would change forever in the next few hours, she was in position and it was now down to fate whether she was going to be given an opportunity to participate in events or just hide here until everyone went home then try to get out the country.

Bella didn't know if she should be cheering or cursing as the four walked right into her ambush zone, she was pretty sure that the tall girl was the one who hit her in the graveyard but that was more to do with recognising the cowardly weasel by her side. She didn't recognise the other little red head but Potter's adopted daughter was just too good a target to pass up, fate had made her decision and now Bella only had seconds to act.

She burst from concealment and fired off two cutting curses at the girls before summoning three wands, grabbing the child as she spoke to the small redhead who was on the ground before kicking her in the stomach.

"Tell Potter to destroy the cup or he'll get his daughter back in tiny pieces."

The curse had hit Ginny square on the chest but her life had been saved by the dragon hide vest that Harry had bought her though the force had knocked the petite witch onto her back. Her wand was gone but Remus had been training her for just such a scenario, the knife in her wrist holder slipped into her waiting hand. Ginny's vest also absorbed most of the impact from Bella's kick to her stomach but Ginny jack-knifed as if in great pain and used this movement to plunge her blade deep into the bitch's thigh.

"Get your filthy hands off her you bastard!" Ginny screamed at the death eater but Lestrange toppled backwards and pulled Joan down with her before she must have activated a portkey as they both disappeared.

Ginny was on her knees wailing "NO!" as Harry came upon the scene, he rushed to Ginny who was covered in blood and it took her a second to answer him. "It's not mine or Joan's, I managed to stab that bitch Lestrange but she got away with Joan. I'm so sorry Harry, I let you down."

Any thoughts on continuing that conversation were ended when they glanced over at the other couple.

Millie had seen the curse heading straight for her but had been frozen in place, suddenly she was moving and something heavy landed on top of her, something heavy and wet.

She looked to see her betrothed who must have pushed her out the path of the curse but this had placed him directly in the line of fire, he was cut from shoulder to hip and bleeding profusely.

Millie cradled Ron's head in her arms and looked pleadingly towards Harry.

One glance told Harry Ron didn't have long to live though Millicent's words seemed to pull him out his stupor, "He gave his life to save mine."

Harry's temper was barely under control, "Not today he didn't, Dobby!"

The little elf appeared and immediately took charge, he started emptying his many pockets and resizing objects, soon there was a hospital bed, instruments and a table with potions of every kind on it. He handed a blood-replenishing potion to Millicent, "Make him drink this and when he's finished we'll give him more."

Knowledge Is Power ↣ Harmione Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin