Chapter Sixteen

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Sirius had to be led into the house and he kept glancing at the note every few seconds, checking that it was in fact real. They all sat around the kitchen table but it was left to Remus to enlighten the company as Sirius was caught up in memories of the past.

"Regulus was Sirius's younger brother, he was a Slytherin the year below us at Hogwarts. I know Sirius won't mind if I say his parents were not nice people but he always looked out for his brother. The Black parents were big believers in pure blood supremacy and put extreme pressure on Sirius to become a death eater, so much so that he ran away and lived with James at Harry's grandparents. He begged Regulus to accompany him but he replied that he would be fine; he had always been his parent's favourite son especially after Sirius was sorted into Gryffindor."

Sirius was staring at the note and his tears were flowing freely again.

"When we got back to Hogwarts that September Regulus had changed, he was hanging about with known Voldemort supporters and wouldn't speak with us. His parents had made Regulus their heir and the noble and ancient house of Black was a big prize for Voldemort. Regulus became a death eater at sixteen but was dead by eighteen, supposedly his murder was ordered by Voldemort himself and now we know the reason why."

Sirius was still staring at the note as he spoke, "I shouldn't have left him there, I knew what those manipulative bastards were like, he should have came to the Potter's with me. That psychopath has taken two brothers from me now but at least I have the satisfaction of knowing they both went down fighting the evil bastard." He looked straight at Harry, "if I ever lose like that please don't mourn me, I would be joining my brothers and going out the way I wanted to."

Harry was having none of it, "Listen Sirius, at the moment you're released into my care until we can come up with a trial date. I'm bloody sure you're not going anywhere, as this is the only family we've got and our kids are going to need someone to corrupt them when they're older. I mean two dentists, a professor and parents who never got into trouble, what chance have they got if you're not around."

The fact that the straight-laced dentists both carried guns they weren't afraid to use and the respectable professor had just spent the morning fighting zombies, not to mention robbing a grave, told everyone he was joking. Claiming that he and Hermione never got into trouble was taking the joke just too far.

Hermione spoke softly to the hurting Sirius, "we need to find that locket or all our plans turn to dust, once it's destroyed Voldemort only has the snake left and it can be killed the same as any other creature. When it's time to take him and the rat down we promise you can be there to let the bastard know just who's responsible for his downfall but it can't happen without the locket."

"Regulus would have taken it to the ancestral Black family home but since I left mother must have blasted my name off the family tree tapestry because I can't remember where it is, only the current head of the family could tell me."

"Who is that?" Hermione asked.

Sirius was deep in thought for a few moments as the possible candidates played through his mind, "it might actually be me, mother would have to complete the paperwork to totally disinherit me and with Regulus there she might not have bothered. After he was murdered I don't think she would have been capable of carrying it out." He took a deep breath, "I, Sirius Orion Black, being the rightful heir of the ancient and noble house of Black claim my rightful inheritance and head of house."

Everyone watched as the Black family ring appeared on the finger of Sirius Black but only Remus had a comment, "Oh great! Now I have two bloody lords to deal with."

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