Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter 18

Remus didn't usually like to admit he was wrong but in this case it was a pleasure, his premise that only muggle clothes could make a woman look sexy was shattered into a million pieces as he saw the ladies of the Institute in their new Italian made wizarding robes. Apparently it was another case of the British magical community being well behind their Italian counterparts and the group had heads turning as they made their way through the ministry towards the Wizengamot chamber where Sirius was to get his day in court.

Harry had ordered designer robes for everyone in the pale blue colour that was going to be the Institute's uniform and each had the new crest displayed prominently so there was no doubting who they were. An owl that looked remarkably like Hedwig was perched on a rather thick book that had a wand lying across it; the motto in Italian 'l'abilità è tutta' roughly translated as 'Ability is all' and said everything that needed saying about the Institute.

There were quite a few who had the Potter crest on the sleeve of their robes showing they were under the protection of house Potter, Remus as a werewolf, Amber as a squib and Filius as a crossbreed were all grateful for it. Dan, Emma and Hermione had the Potter crest displayed on the chest above that of the Institute signifying that they were family while Minerva had hers trimmed with the McGonagall family tartan rather than her clan crest. Ginny was wearing the Pomfrey crest along with Poppy while the Lovegoods, Longbottoms and Pomona all proudly displayed their family emblems.

Lord's Potter and Black led the procession and wore cloaks signifying their rank; Sirius was practically unrecognisable from the haunted, emaciated creature that was on the run. Good food, exercise, sunshine and a new haircut at Ambers 'suggestion' had made a big difference with the stylish dark blue robes emblazed with the Black family crest completing the transformation, he looked every inch the Lord he was.

They entered the courtroom and Sirius was led to the chair in the centre of the floor, he had given Harry his wand for safekeeping so they couldn't take it off him. Sirius sat there alone, quietly contemplating the things that could go wrong today but safe in the knowledge there wasn't any way Harry would accept anything other than an innocent verdict. If the Wizengamot tried to screw with him today they were in for a rude awakening, he had a slight chuckle to himself as the security guards had totally dismissed Dan and Emma as any threat. If it came down to a fight he for one was glad they were on his side and wondered what the effect would be amongst the purebloods if that cannon Dan carried was fired in the chamber.

Dan Granger's attention was on the red head that had been seated at the other side of the court, smart lady that Amelia Bones. He had heard descriptions of the Bulstrode girl but he had taken those with a pinch of salt, seeing her in the flesh left him wondering if those same descriptions weren't on the flattering side. If ever there were to be a campaign against marrying close family members then Millicent Bulstrode would be the poster girl, though it would have to come with a government health warning. She totally dominated the boys every action and even at one point spat into a hanky then proceeded to wipe a dirty mark of the side of his face, Dan remembered his late mother embarrassing him by doing the exact same thing but he was about four at the time.

It suddenly struck Dan that the boy was exactly like his father, anytime Molly was around Arthur's entire conversation consisted of "yes dear" with the word 'no' never being uttered. This girl had just replaced his mother as the person who issued the commands that he blindly obeyed, as they were betrothed he was going to be dominated by this person for the rest of his life. He felt his wife's hand find his as they both reached the same conclusion, his punishment for trying to enslave their daughter was to end up in this one sided relationship where she dictated every facet of his life. Millicent was treating him like a possession in a similar fashion to celebrities with their little dogs; he would be dressed and paraded up and down on her arm but definitely under her thumb and anything else she desired.

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