Chapter Two

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The both teens came to the same conclusion simultaneously, they needed the Marauder's Map.

Hermione asked her boyfriend the obvious question."Can you remember where it is?"

"I think it's in Remus's office but how in Merlin's name are we going to get it in time?"

"Well we can't go strolling about the school with a condemned hippogriff so I'm open to ideas."

Harry then had a brainwave. "Dobby!"

An instant later the little house elf appeared, bouncing up and down with excitement. "What can Dobby do to help the great Harry Potter?"

"Dobby, could you fetch us the map that's on Professor Lupin's desk? We think he left it there..." Dobby was gone before Harry could even finish, arriving back clutching the precious map within seconds.

Harry's comment of 'Brilliant Dobby' had the little elf beaming with pride. He then handed the map to Hermione before having a serious word with his little friend. "Dobby, would you like to work for me - and Hermione?"

Dobby just wrapped his arms around Harry's legs, nodding his head while crying tears of joy.

"I think you need to claim your inheritance first, Harry?" This came from Hermione, though she never lifted her head from the map she was currently studying to find Sirius.

"Oh right! I, Harry James Potter, being the last of the Noble and Ancient House of Potter claim my rightful inheritance and head of my house." Harry's declaration resulted in a light that appeared to shine through him, verifying his claim before the Potter family ring appeared on his finger.

"Dobby would be honoured and proud to work for Lord Potter and his lady."

"It's just Harry, Dobby, Harry and Hermione. Now I need to know if you can get us through a locked door in the castle? We need to get back into the infirmary before anyone notices we left."

"That would be no problem Mas... Harry."

"Good, now I would like you to go to Gringotts for me and access my family vaults, we need the Potter betrothal rings that my dad said are in a green velvet box. When I claimed my inheritance the goblins would automatically know my change in status, please inform them I wish this to remain confidential. Should the details leak out, I will be moving the Potter accounts to another bank and informing all their customers of their breach of confidentiality."

Dobby stood just that little bit straighter, the importance of the task Harry Potter was entrusting him with surprising the elf. He left immediately for the bank.

Hermione finally looked up from her studying. "Found him, but he's being held on the fifth floor. How are we going to get him out?"

Harry went over and put his arm round his soon-to-be-betrothed best friend and girlfriend. "In case you hadn't noticed, our friend over here has quite the pair of wings on him."

Hermione lost all colour from her features as her Acrophobia kicked in with a vengeance. "Harry, I think I'll meet you outside the Infirmary."

Harry held her securly in his arms. "You'll be with me, what could possibly go wrong?"

The absurdity of that statement had both of them laughing and broke the tension. Harry climbed onto Buckbeak's back before offering his hand to Hermione, who then bravely climbed behind him. Telling her to hold on was unnecessary, she simply couldn't squeeze him any tighter.

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