Epilogue 1: The Election

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With the death of Adam Young, the hottest, most introverted, and dreamy man in Owl City could no longer be mayor. Tragically, the forty-four Adam Young clones prepared in the past to replace the mayor all went missing years ago in the great Adam Young extinction; citizens of the city had to vote on who the hottest and therefore, most capable mayor in the city was.

The votes were tallied, revealing much in regards to the city's taste in men. Lotor got most of the votes but due to various and numerous crimes was unable to accept the position. Local doctor Harvey got fifth place. Local hero Crash Bandicoot got fourth place. Nick Wilde of the police department got third place. Second place was Kira Igarashi, female head of a technology firm in the city. Miles Edgeworth, to his shock, won the vote. Phoenix Wright was then assigned to be first man to the new mayor.

Miles Edgeworth and Phoenix Wright went to have a romantic dinner discussing the matter.

"Wright, I feel unfit to be Mayor."

"Sometimes we gotta deal with the cards we're given. You'll be alright."

"No, I don't think I will. I really really don't want to be the Mayor."

Wright sighed, "If that's how you want things to go, I'll support you in whatever you decide."

"Thanks, Wright."

Miles Edgeworth ended up resigning immediately, but it was after Hatsune Miku and Monika moved into Gravity Falls. Hatsune Miku, despite living in Gravity Falls, won the re-election and since the cities were right next to each other anyways they merged them into a new city: Owltonna Falls.

DEATH: Sparkly Fun Times (a crossover fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora