Chapter 3: Driving Kilometers

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Edgeworth was trying to find leads on who this "Adam" witness was, and also trying to find the whereabouts of Natsuki. His investigation was grinding to a halt, due to a lack of evidence. It seemed that Monika would be prosecuted after all.

But that all changed when, suddenly, skydiving off a plane from Japanforina, was Kilometers Edgeworth, his secret twin brother. Kilometers was a skilled prosecutor as well, but also hired himself out as a private eye.

(When Gregory Edgeworth was married and had kids, Miles Edgeworth was born as Kilometers' twin - but there was a tragic divorce right after their birth. When it came to the family splitting, Gregory got Miles and his wife got Kilometers. Kilometers was raised as a prosecutor from the start, but never reached the fame that Miles did.)

Kilometers landed his parachute outside of the office of the Owl City Department Of Justice, narrowly missing a power line and startling one of the local guards. Dusting off a still-immaculate suit, he stuffed his parachute in the trash can outside the DoJ and calmly strode inside.

Miles was moodily staring out the large window in his office when his estranged brother strode in. In a deep tone, Edgeworth addressed him.

"Kilometers!! What brings you to my office in Owatonna?"

Kilometers smiled and shook his brother's outstretched hand with vigor. "I have been merely investigating the case from afar, brother. And I believe that I have a clue on who this "Adam" is."

"Let's get right to it then!" Smiled Edgeworth, glad to have finally found a lead.

Edgeworth quickly stepped out to grab Wright. The three of them held a long, drawn out meeting about the case, and moved to examine the knife found at the scene one more time. As Wright and Miles donned hazmat suits, Kilometers grabbed the bag with the evidence knife and followed them to the lab.

A quick examination by the three of them revealed a certain Adam Levine's dirty fingerprints on the weapon. Oddly enough, they seemingly had been passed over by the previous investigators.

"Oh boy," frowned Phoenix Wright.

Kilometers then suggested that they take a look at the crime scene one more time. "As we've just seen, it's quite possible that your investigative team missed something," he said dryly as they removed the hazmat suits and headed to his brother's car. "Ah well, it's always up to your little brother to solve the cases you can't, isn't it?" Miles shot him a glare for that remark.

But more evidence was not forthcoming, for as they arrived at the community college, a pillar of black smoke rose from one of the rooms. Rushing inside and up the stairs, the source was soon found: the roped-off scene of the crime had been covered in gasoline by a mysterious intruder and set ablaze! The trespasser leapt between the three men and dashed away down the long halls. Wright turned and ran to the nearest fire alarm - alerting any students still in the building to evacuate - while Kilometers and Miles raced up the hallway and back down the stairs after the suspect.

As Kilometers and Miles entered the parking lot, they spotted the arsonist leaping into a long, black car that each recognized with a jolt. It was the mustang of their star witness, Adam Young! Kilometers dove into the driver's seat of their red Mustang convertible, while Edgeworth took shotgun seat. They tore out of the parking lot and onto the main highway connecting the three cities.

The mysterious assailant gunned his engine, seeking to further the distance between the two cars. Miles, searching around in his brother's belongings, found a rocket launcher.

"These things are legal here?" He bellowed into the wind as his brother expertly cut through traffic."Yeah, it's saved my butt on a couple occasions!" Yelled Kilometers.

The two were beginning to gain on the vehicle in front of them. Edgeworth raised the launcher to his shoulder, standing steadily against the rushing winds. Taking careful aim, he squeezed the trigger. A fiery missile erupted from the business end of the launcher, spiraling towards the other vehicle and narrowly missing. An explosion rocked the arsonist's car and sent it careening around, the driver desperately regaining control at the last second. A second figure popped up from the back seat, holding a similar launcher. "Nnngggoh?!?" Yelled Edgeworth, swerving to avoid the other car's rocket. "These explosions are getting the better of me, I'm afraid!"

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