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*Warning: Smut

Gabriel smiled happily as Marinette walked in with a cup of fresh coffee. Handing it to him as he sat in bed reviewing the previews of a contract between the Gabriel Brand and a textile company. "You're my favorite thing of the day.".

"Is it now?" Marinette asked as she slipped her robe partly down her shoulder.

He peered over his glasses as temptation dangled before him. "Maybe not."

Marinette curled her lips before taking a sip of her overly saturated coffee. She sat it on the nightstand before joining Gabriel back in bed. She walked two fingers slowly down his partly exposed chest. "~So exactly how much stamina have you recovered?"

Gabriel raised his eyebrows before abandoning his items on a nightstand as well. "~Enough." He smirked before moving Marinette on top of him with a quick and sudden movement.

He traced the slight red and purple marking that followed her jawline with his finger tips. A mark barely noticeable with her hair down. "I may have been a little rough on you the other day."

She pressed the side of her face into his hand then she grabbed his wrist sliding her thumb down his hand. She licked from the base of his index up to his fingertip. "~Maybe, Ladybug might return the favor and be a little rough with you."

She placed her other hand firmly on his crotch causing him to jolt forward. He could feel his manhood being compressed causing his body to tense. He instinctively grabbed her waist. "~Nette be gentle, I beg you."

She found herself relishing his expressions. His face just as red as her alter ego's supersuit. His helpless gray eyes begging for her to do anything but seek her revenge. It felt like he couldn't handle being subjected to such torment, not if he wanted to last. She smiled deviously before taking his manhood out of its hiding place. She bit her lip as she watched his eyes plead; beg for her to go easy on him. She softly circled her thumb across the rosey tip.

The determination in her eyes to make the great Agreste crumble before her. To make the great Monarch crumble before her. And to think all she needed was to use two hands. His head leaned back as he tried to hold back. She wasn't even doing that much and he was already about to erupt. The up and down, up and down movements of her hands were too much to bare.

"~Ne..tte.." He begged as his breath was unsteady. 'Who knew she could be so cruel?'

"~Undress me. I would do it myself but my hands are otherwise occupied."

He gulped as his limbs seemed to go numb with each stroke of her hands. He gripped the edge of her robe pulling it loose. Her body decorated with marks of previous and past attacks thanks to him sending Amoks and Akumas to do his job. He couldn't not erase them or apologize enough, the only thing he could do was give himself to her. Let her devour him.

He wasn't unscathed himself as his shoulders and arms were bruised, he suffered from back pain, and migraines. Was it because of him using all the Miraculouses at once? Was it because Ladybug packed quite a punch despite her size? Was it because of her sexual appetite?
Or was it because he wasn't that many years off from the big five zero?

"~Good boy." She kissed him, letting his hands wander all over her slender body. His hands were so large, taking up her entire breast with one hand. His thumbs circling the pink buds that laid atop her small but breathtaking hills. She didn't have much to work with as they reminded him of the portion size of an exclusive restaurant, small but worth every second. As it was quite an experience to enjoy.

A muddled "Ette.." escaped him along with a bit of white. As his volcano was giving her a warning before it erupted.

"~Tell me... what you want."

"~I want you."

She grinned before placing him inside of her. She could never get tired of riding him. To make all her senses go away and it was just him and her. No being Monarch. No being Ladybug. No responsibilities. "AAAHHHH Aaah!" "Gabriel!" She wrapped her hands around his neck before taking in his bottom lip.

"Mmmmhhf." He groaned as she explored his mouth with her tongue. He found himself regretting treating her to a manicure. As one of her hands was digging into his back. No doubt part of her revenge plan.

"Ahhh. Ohhh...Ahhhhh....I sho... uld....ahhh" Marinette moaned as she knew how careless she became. She had her other had pressed on the spot on where him and her meant.

"Mmm?" Gabriel questioned before breaking their steamy kissing session.

She looked at him then at the top drawer of the nightstand cursing herself for being so stupid. "It... hurts...."

She occasionally got so caught up that she forgot to account for how girthy he was. Her hips kept moving, she couldn't help herself and wanted him to help her. "Ahhhh... Gabriel.... Gabriel...."

He tired to blindly reach for a cure in the top drawer as he did not want her to be sore for the rest of the day. He also didn't want her to stop. Not when it felt so good and he was so close.

'CRASH!' The sound of his mug hitting the hardwood floor. Gabriel winced and let out an "aaaghhhh." soon after.

"That's... not... faaaairrrr..." Marinette complained as if she had pre-planned she wouldn't be slowing down. Gabriel grabbed her sides ready to pull her off; he didn't want her to take more than she was able to handle. He still wanted his best designer to be able to walk and do her job. It would be inconvenient if she would have to call in sick.

She leaned forward pushing all her body weight down. "I'm sta..aaying." She kissed him, wanting to see what she started to the very end. Or until she was satisfied. She rocked herself using the headboard as a support.

The bliss of forgetting responsibilities while being subjected to pleasure. She could focus on herself for once and she had a partner who supported her selfishness. "~AAAAH! Omfph.... Mmmmm....AHH! GAAAAA GAAAAB!"

She couldn't finish his name. Not when her body felt like it was on fire and underwater at the same time. She kissed him violently as she melted away.

"~I love..." He stopped himself as he hadn't said it. Not when they had sex.

She giggled cupping his face with both her hands. "~I love you... TOO!"

He flipped their positions. He had never heard her say it and perhaps it was just her getting caught up in the passion.

"OwW...GABRIEL!" She yelled having her hands on his chest keeping space in between them. Her fingers curled around his satin shirt. She turned her head as she found herself being shy. She was always the one on top. She felt in control when she was on top and he looked at her with such desperation.

Now he looked at her as if she was a little lamb. A lamb that was going to be devoured by the big bad wolf. "AAaah!" "Uhhh...ahhh!" Gabriel moved slowly as he watched her try to hide her embarrassment.

The two were startled as Gabriel's assistant, Natalie Sancoeur. A straight arrow of a woman with the color palette of a cardinal. "Sir, I apologize for the intrusion but, unfortunately, you have uninvited guests."

"So?" Gabriel spat as he glared at Natalie unappreciated by the interruption. He was in the middle of something that was much more interesting.

"It's your parents and sister."

"Ummmgh..." Gabriel frustratedly groaned. His parents were a pain to deal with not working around his schedule and just showing up whenever it fit their fancy.
"Give me twenty..." Marinette gripped his chest. "SIXty minutes."

"You have five." Natalie aid before making her exit. Knowing that the Agrestes were the most impatient people. Gabriel was a pain but his parents were worse. Everything had to be just so and they were strict.

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