"They doing to much." Cookie Crossed her arms, slouching into the couch. She looked over at Rakai who stood next to Shanea with his arm around her. She caught a stare back from Rakai but he looked away.

The first time Cookie met Rakai she wanted him right there and then, but now she sees him and Shanea getting along; it bugs her the fuck out.

"Yo Kesean let me chat to you for a second." Clavish motioned for Kesean to shit beside him.

"What bro?"

"I wanted to apologise init." Clavish nervously said.

"For what?" Kesean was confused.

"For blaming this whole shit on you, for thinking you tried to kill man when it wasn't you. Your like a brother to me init and I should of trusted your words. But I'm a dickhead I like to jump to conclusions and start wanting to kill people." Clavish said groping his left wrist.

"Mhm." Kesean nodded his head back and forth.

"I just wanted to say sorry though, you know your my nigga right. I got you for life...what did we always use to say?" Clavish spoke. "We brothers fivelife" Clavish and Kesean both said.

Kesean grinned not trying to show his smile. "I see you smiling nigga don't try hide it." Clavish laughed. "Love you Kesean." Clavish dubbed Kesean up, before joining Rakai on the balcony.

"Love you too." Kesean whispered watching Clavish walk away.

"Yo." CBlu called out to Lisa. He strolled his way towards her, placing himself on the couch beside her. The only reason CBlu wanted to interact with Lisa was because she was a lightskin; these days if you were a lightskin with curly hair your automatically classified as pretty. Bullshit.

"Heyyy." Lisa replied back to him, showing interest.

"Mans tryna chat to you still." CBlu told her, rubbing the few hairs on his chin. Lisa's looks we're deceiving, she would make every man fall inlove with her, not knowing she's sinful. A blink of an eye, she wouldn't hesitate to do you wrong. And CBlu was her next victim.

"I see CBlu picked his victim tonight." Rakai said to Clavish. "Have you told him that she's a snake?"

"Nah..but Why you bring her for Rakai you know she's a snake." Clavish whispered into Rakai's ear.

"Don't you think man knows that..she's been blackmailing man." Rakai mumbled. Rakai didn't want to bring Lisa but if he didn't she would snake to Tyrese that him and Shanea were still talking.

"A gyal? Blackmailing you? Don't dead me, man said she has you on ropes." Clavish smirked. "But nah sort that out, I don't want to see her again."

"Aye Clavish." Devonte walked over to Clavish, with a Nike bag in his hand. Devonte was one of Clavish's send out boys, he would do small drops for Clavish because Clavish couldn't trust him in managing heavy weight, due to the fact he's only 15 and would do some silly shit with it.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Clavish glared at Devonte from the corner of his eye. "How the fuck did you even get in?"

"I used the back door." Devonte smiled. "I forgot where you wanted me to do the drop."

"So you came all the way to Mayfair just to tell me you forgot where to drop my shit." Clavish angrily whispered at him, placing his drink on the edge of the table. "You ever thought of calling me?"

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you...I lost the brick phone you gave me still." Devonte nervously scratched his head, trying not to make eye contact with Clavish. Devonte knew how serious Clavish was, and by Devonte doing some shit like this, Clavish would drop him without a blink.

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