That Mysterious Man

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You had gotten up bright and early that morning, knowing you had plenty to do and you had absolutely no idea where to start. You figured a shower was a great place.

As you turn the shower knob you remembered Willy had sent you a letter saying the boat to ginger island was fixed. You thought it would be nice to stay on an island. In fact, you needed to head that way anyways. You needed bait for your rod.

As you get out of the shower, you did your hair and put on clothes before you headed out to your barn and coop to feed and pet your animals.

Your chickens and ducks clucked and quacked at you as you stepped in. They had eaten all the food from the previous day, and there was none left. "My, my. You lot are hungry buggers aren't you?" You reach down and pick up one of the chickens and pet it before scooping a handful of hay and grain to feed it. It happily takes your offer and eats from your hand. "You're a good girl, Yam Pie." You say to your chicken.

Once it finishes you set the chicken down and wipe off the grain from your hand to feed the rest of them. You notice something on the ground, a vibrant, blissful little duck feather. You pocket it and continue gathering the eggs.

Putting the eggs in the mayonnaise machines, you head into your barn where your cows and goats await.

After milking them you place their milk in the nearby cheese presses. Turning to feed them.

After all of that you make your way down to the docks. The weather is quite gloomy, and rain calls later today. You hope it's clearer on ginger island. Or at least it holds off on rain until you can get back to the valley.

"Good Morning Farmer Y/N!" Marnie says, heading in on her normal Tuesday aerobics club at Caroline's.

"Good Morning, Marnie." You respond with a smile. Continuing down the bridge over the river that runs down from the mountains into the woods.

As soon as you step onto the sandy beach, you desperately hope none of the sand makes your way into your boots.

Spotting something odd, you continue to the old cabin. There's a tall man standing there, staring out into the ocean. His long auburn hair drapes over his shoulder as his dazed and albeit sad look remains on his face.

He glances over at you, startled by your presence. "Goodness! I wasn't expecting a visitor. I'm Elliott. Apologies for never making your acquaintance before, I have been rather busy."

"Likewise. I'm Farmer Y/N. I moved into that old cottage my grandfather left me a little over a year ago." You do feel like you've seen him before, but you've been so incredibly busy with everything you can hardly remember.

"It's a pleasure, Y/N. You have a beautiful name. Very poetic." He tells you. You nearly blush as his words sink in. "I'm the towns hermit writer. I've been writing a book for quite a while, but I can't seem to find the right..." He trails off, trying to gather what he's trying to convey.


"Flare." He says.

You laugh a little bit. You put your hand in your pocket, and feeling something soft. You pull it out, forgetting you had even placed it there.

"Oh, my. What a gorgeous feather." He's looking at it rather intently.

"Would you like it, Elliott?"

"Oh I would adore it!" He says before you hand it to him.

"One of my ducks dropped it this morning, I thought it was pretty."

"Oh it is. Thank you for this, Y/N." You feel a few drops of rain on your skin, cold and wet. Looking up more fall and Elliott only slinks into his cabin.

"Would you like to come in until the rain passes? I would feel awful if you were to walk home or do whatever you came to do in this weather."

You think it over, perhaps you should wait for a more sunny day to go. You accept and walk into his cabin. The air smells of pomegranate and soup. What a quaint little cabin. A small bed in the corner, a desk in the parallel.

"This is quite nice." You're a little nervous just walking into a strangers house, but nothing looks... homicidal.

"Thank you. It's not much, but it certainly is enough. I bet you're used to more though. That huge farm of yours." He says.

"Oh quite the contrary. I recently just upgraded my farmhouse so it has a kitchen. I lived with half of this for over a year." He seems bewildered.

"Really? What do you do with all that space?"

"The farm or the house?" You ask.


"Well, the house now that it's upgraded is great room for kegs, preserve jars, cheese presses, storage... However the farmland is perfect. After you clear it all out, that is. I have a barn and coop, one more upgrade and I'll be able to buy pigs and rabbits. Currently, since it's autumn, I'm growing corn, pumpkins, yams, eggplants... maybe some flowers if I feel like it." You realize Elliott is listening very intently.

"Sorry! I've been rambling."

"Oh no, I love hearing about other people's normal day-to-day lives." He responds.

He glances out the window, the sun lower on the horizon. The days are already getting shorter.

"The rain has let up, if you'd like you may get back to your day. I'm sorry I've taken so much of it."

"Oh no, it was a pleasure to meet you, Elliott. I look forwards to seeing you again." You tell him.

"Oh yes, come by if you ever need anyone to speak to. I'm free more these days since I'm at a block." He responds.

You nod and shake his hand as you leave.

That was quite the experience. Elliott... Who are you, you mysterious man?

The Perfect Poem (Elliott X Masc Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora