II - The Hellions

Depuis le début

She scanned the spaces between buildings as she smoothed out her thick skirt, before something caught her eye.

From between the abandoned shadowed alleyways she noticed the setting sun reflect upon a mysterious glint coming from within the darkness.

Alena glanced over her shoulder at the large mob one last time, before tentatively pulling out her intricately crafted wand, the weight of the Blackwood heavy in her hands, and she begun moving in towards the alley.

As she stepped closer, she noticed the dark silhouette of a stranger in a cloak, tossing a drawstring bag containing something shiny and bright within their hands as they lounged against the wall.

Their face was covered and turned in the opposite direction, which gave Alena enough time to press her back up against the wet brick wall of a building, sucking in a sharp breath as she tried to figure out a way to lure the stranger away.

Because ultimately, they were blocking the entrance.

She took a tentative step to her right, before lurching straight into the alley with the speed of a predator, her wand pointed straight at her prey.



She froze. And the figure slowly dropped their hood to reveal —

"Meena?" Alena staggered, still holding her wand near her cousin's face.

Meena Darwish gave her a sheepish smile, slowly stepping away from the crazed woman and picking up the bag of Leu she had previously been holding from the muddy ground.

"Yes, Meena."  She replied pointedly, holding up a finger and pushing Alena's wand down.
Alena scoffed, tucking her wand into the pocket of her robes and narrowed her eyes at her.

But Meena only grinned before extending her arms and pulling Alena into an awkward embrace.

She let out a content sigh. "Oh, I just couldn't wait any longer to visit, you know! After a whole, excruciating day of travel on a bloody train, and here you are almost killing me! Merlin, you've come so far!" She mused, pulling away and placing her hands on Alena's cheeks.

Alena cocked a brow, "If I'm correct, you were not meant to come visit for another two months. I would've thought you'd be busy with...oh, what was it? Getting married?"  She jabbed, crossing her arms.

Meena's smile faltered, but she quickly composed herself as she playfully nudged her cousin's arm. Alena glared at her. She found none of this funny.

As Meena laced her arm with Alena's she giggled, "well, I decided to come visit my dear cousin early. No shame in that. Besides, it is my wedding and I can plan it however I damn well please—"

"You kiss your fiancé with that mouth?" Alena smirked, and Meena gasped as she pushed her away, "Besharam!" Darwish exclaimed.

Meena Darwish was by no means Alena Sarbani's true cousin, they did not share a sliver of the same blood.

But Meena had taken to calling Alena her 'cousin' since the mere age of three. And since then, she supposed it just stuck.

Alena however, liked to believe that Meena was more than a cousin.

A sister, more like.

Camaraderie of Hellions [Tom Riddle]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant