Big Opportunity

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Loco stood in front of the door of the headmaster's office, her heart was hammering, she didn't know whether to swim away or pass out, this had to be about un-petrifying the dolphin yesterday, what else could it be?

Actually... it could be quite a few things. Being late for classes because she lost track of time playing in the kelp reefs, sneaking out past curfew, accidentally causing small explosions...

Loco realised she got into a lot more trouble than she thought, how could she even cause an explosion anyway? They were underwater.

Before she had time to contemplate further, she found herself knocking on the door, it was followed by a slightly muffled "Come in" from the other side. She entered and she completely froze, seeing the King and Queen sitting right across from the headmaster.

"Loco, thank you for coming." The headmaster greeted. "I believe you already know, King Orin and Queen Mera." The royal couple turned to the young girl with kind smiles.

"I-it's nice to meet you, your majesties." Loco greeted shyly with a small bow. The king couldn't help a small chuckle.

"It is nice to meet you as well child." He reciprocated.

"Loco, their highness's would like to have a word with you." The headmaster explained, Loco felt like heart was about to explode out of her chest. "I will just leave you to it." With that, the headmaster left the room, leaving the three of them alone.

A brief silence overcame the three. This was torture, every second felt like an eternity, Loco couldn't take it anymore.

"I'm so sorry about the statue your majesties, I-I didn't mean—I-I was just-"

"Loco, Loco." She felt a hand on her shoulder. "We're not upset, we're impressed." That made Loco look up in surprise.

"Very few Atlantean sorcerers have the power to undo a petrification spell." Mera explained.


"Yes, which is why we have an offer for you." Loco's eyes gleamed at the king's words.


At the royal palace, Mera showed Loco around, her mind was completely blown away, she never thought in her entire life she'd set foot in here, but she was, and it was even more spectacular than she dreamed, and everyone they passed was so nice.

She kept on looking around in awe until they came to a stop at a door.

"I hope this room agrees with you." Mera opened the door, revealing the most luxurious room Loco had ever seen, the bed alone made her jaw drop, it was massive.

"Are you serious? You could fit my old room in here twice!" Loco squealed, rolling around in her new bed with glee.

"I'm glad you like it." Mera smiled warmly.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Loco swam over and wrapped Mera in a grateful hug, it caught the queen off guard, Loco then pulled back in realisation.

"I-I'm sorry your majesty." She apologised.

"No, no, it's alright Loco." The queen reassured her with another warm smile. "This is your home as well now, we want you to feel comfortable here. And there's no need for that "your majesty" nonsense, simply call me Mera."

Loco hesitated for a moment.

"I don't really feel comfortable calling you that, how about Queen Mera?"

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