Hannah lays on my chest again. I'm glad she trusts me enough to do that. She's only ever hesitated around me when she's extremely emotionally distressed.

'You alright honey?' I ask softly as I finger comb her hair. She nods.

She never talks after times where she's gotten emotional, she just stays quiet. I don't know whether that's a good or bad thing, i used to do the same. Usually i was just too tired or embarrassed to talk.

'What movie do you want to watch?' 'Wandavision.' She smiles. 'Okay, WandaVision it is.' I mirror the smile on her face.

I play WandaVision and she pays full attention to the TV, smiling the whole way through the episode.

'Hey girls.' Scarlett announces as she walks back in. 'Hey scarlett.' I say as i turn my gaze onto her. Hannah hasn't said anything, still watching intently.

She finally acknowledges Scarlett as she sits down on the bed next to me.

'Hi scarlett.' She says with a small smile. 'Hey honey.' Scarlett coos.

We all continue watching WandaVision as me and Scarlett eat breakfast.

'Okay, at eight o'clock, i'm going to call my lawyer, Liz don't forget you have a meeting on set today at two.' Scarlett goes through todays to-do list as she gets up.

'Got it.' I get up and peck her lips.

Me and Scarlett go get ready. She runs off to the office to get in touch with her lawyers and I sit back with han. I bring the things i bought her from Comic Con too. I walk towards her room, the corridor fills with giggles as she continues to watch WandaVision.

'Hey honey! You okay?' I ask softly, hopefully not startling her. She nods again, still giggling at the magic scene.

'Here i got you something.' I say in my sing song voice. 'Lizzie you didn't have too.' She smiles as i sit next to her. 'Think of it as a late birthday present.' I shrug.

I hand her the paper bag. She sits up as she opens it, removing the red tissue paper, the holds the Wanda teddy in her hands.

'I love herrrr! You didn't have to Lizzie.' She exclaims as she hugs the teddy tightly, my face lights up at the sight. 'That's not all! Keep opening!' I giggle as i usher her to continue opening them.

She opens her pop dolls next, i may or may not have pulled some strings and gotten her a few of the original six cast that are signed. Plus the seventies Wanda one. Her little eyes gleam with excitement, her smile so wide! She dives forward into my arms and hugs me tightly.

'I love them all so much! Thank you lizzie!' She rambles her thank yous. 'It's okay! One more thing!' I smile. She opens her Natasha bear next, hugging her tightly.

She thanks me again and gets up, gathering some of the pop dolls in her hands. She organised them nearly on the corner shelves, dotting them around. She keeps the teddies close.

'I love them. Thank you.' She smiles as she hugs me one more time. 'You're so welcome! I loved getting them for you!' I exclaim through giggles. I take a glance at the time.

'How about we go into the city, get some breakfast and pop by the twins office?' I suggest.

She nods and smiles.

'Okay great! Come downstairs when you're ready!' I smile and get up to leave.

'Scarlett?' I shout as i walk downstairs. 'In here!' She shouts back, she's still in the office.

'You okay honey?' I say softly as i lean over her desk and kiss her. She smiles. 'I am now. They're meeting me tomorrow so that they can check out the house and stuff like that, after that then i just need to sign the paperwork and she's mine again!' She sighs.

'Good.' I say as i walk behind her, massaging her shoulders gently, she leans back into my touch, letting her body relax underneath my fingers.

'Me and han are going into the city, we're going to get breakfast and see the twins. You can come if you'd like.' I suggest.

'It's okay, she needs quality time with both of us alone so i'll take her out a different day, i have stuff to do anyways.' She smiles up at me.

'No worries, if i'm running late can i take her to set?' I ask, just incase. Punctuality isn't my strong suit. 'Yeah that's okay. Don't get her lost though.' She says sternly, the same playful smirk on my face.

I kiss her one more time before i grab my things.

'Lizzie i'm ready!' A small voice shouts for me. 'Coming angel!' I shout back.  Me and scarlett share a warm smile before i leave.

I grab my keys off the side.

'Okay let's go! Starbucks for breakfast?' I ask.

'Yeah!' She exclaims excitedly.

She goes into Scarletts office to say goodbye to her, Scarlett kisses her head and tells her to be good.

'It's lizzie you need to tell that to.' Hannah sasses, raising an eyebrow. The same smirk her mama has on her lips.

I gasp and she giggles. I lean forwards and tickle her sides. 'Lizzie stop!' She says through fits of laughter.

'Come on you, let's go!' I let go of her sides and we both leave.

'Bye scar, i love you.' I shout to her, she returns my words and me and han get into the car.