It's A Secret

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Chapter 2!

Never love anyone who treats you like you're ordinary. -Oscar Wilde

^^Sloane Hayes played by Ashley Benson ^^

^^Chris Moores played by Cody Simpson^^

^^Carson Smith played by Luke Benward^^


Anthony's POV

Nobody has a perfect life. Especially me and my friends Chris and Carson. We're like brothers. We do bad stuff a lot. That's why we took the roles of the bad boys in our weird ass high school.

The first bell rings and we skip class as usual and plan on gluing Mr. Smitz on his chair. He's our biology teacher. Whenever he's late to our class he tells us he woke up late or got a cold when really he's making out with Ms. Rosa.

I put my gray beanie on my head and tug on my leather jacket. I wear dark blue jeans with a chain hanging from the pocket and a black tee. With Jordans of course.

Carson wears a Nirvana shirt with dark blue ripped jeans and Nikes whilst Chris wears a hoodie advertising a band I've never heard of. He wears black jeans and Chuck Taylor's.

We walk down the hallways going to the biology classroom when we hear yelling, a groan, and a girl screaming for I'm guessing a guy to stop whatever he's doing.

I look at Carson and Chris and we all break out into a run. We stop at the corner and I pear around seeing Kyle hitting and kicking a girl named Celina.

I always thought she was perfect. She is perfect. She's beautiful, brave, trustworthy, and speaks fluent sarcasm. She likes to skateboard, so I've heard and she owns an awesome Honda Rebel motorcycle.

Kyle circles around her once again and crouches down so he's facing her on the floor. He whispers something to her, smiles, and stalks off in the other direction.

"Dude that's that girl you had a crush on last year," I hear Chris tell Carson.

"Dude can you not?" Carson hisses. I feel a pang of jealousy wash over me. I'd never known Carson liked anyone. He usually gets another girl every other week.

"I'll go check on her. Stay here in case Kyle comes back," I order. I walk around the corner and see Celina stand. I want to help her but I remain where I am. Shocked by her. She's like an Aphrodite on the outside but on the inside she's a fallen angel.

"All it takes is a beautiful fake smile to hide an injured soul and they will never notice how broken you really are," I hear her say. She's always loved quotes from what I've heard. I now know my nickname for her.

"Well that was quite a show. How are you Quote Queen?" I ask her. She must not have noticed me because she whirls around and her jaw drops.

I chuckle, she's too adorable. She stands up taller and looks down at her shoes. I feel kind of guilty now. After what I just saw, I just can't really imagine that happening to me if I were her.

I'll kill him, just to protect her. I have the urge to protect her. As if its my job to protect her.

"I'm okay. I'm cool. All is good. I mean... You didn't happen to see you know what I think you saw? Because if you did and you tell anyone I- I'm done for. If he finds out," she starts to have a panic attack now. "I'm so dead. I'm dead. Oh my god now he's going to literally kill me. Great! Cause you know that's all a girls hopes and dreams are. To get beat by their so called "boyfriend"," She rambles off making the air quotes with her fingers on'boyfriend'.

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