What you looking at? (Short chapter)

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(This will be a short chapter since exam is tomorrow... I'll try to update this when I can! I promise...)

Location: Somewhere at the pacific sea
Time: 13:45
Date: September 3 1948

Y/n: What you looking me like that? *Looks at the shipgirls and commanders*

Hana: Y-Y-Y-You own this ship?!

Akatsuki: *Points her sword at Y/n* we have questions! you got answers!

Amiya: Woah woah woah! *Stands in front of Y/n* We just woke up in the middle of nowhere! and then you came and point you weapons at eachother!

Erika: I don't understand... *She said while putting down her MG42*

Spectre: Because we're from another world!

Everyone except Y/n and your teammates: EEEEEHHHHH?!?!?!?!?!?!

Fubuki: We got suck by a portal and then we woke up here! 

Natasha: She's right... *Stands beside Y/n* We're on the middle of a elimination mission... until we got suck by a unknown portal... and teleport us here...

Y/n: *Trying to process everything and forgetting the siren who stole his taco*

Sophia: So... your from another?! who got suck by a portal?! and teleports all of you here?!

Natasha: Exactly... *She said while looking at the floor and holding her chin*

Y/n's mind: Wat da fuq did I just heard?!

Y/n: So anyways! *Everyone looks at him* I need to pee! *turns around and rushes to the bathroom* WAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!

Amiya: *Walks after me while smirking*

Natasha: What's with that smirk? *She said in curious tone*

Amiya: Nothing~

Fubuki: *Realises what she's planning* Wha-?! Stop her!!! she's gonna peak while Y/n pee! *Rushes towards Amiya*

Amiya: *Starts running away from Fubuki and while running towards Y/n*

Spectre: Is Amiya a bit...

Natasha: Horny... yes...

Hana: So... what now? *Looks at the Crimson Axis*

Akatsuki: Peace? *She said while looking at Hana*

Hana: Sure... *Offers a shake hands*

Akatsuki: *Accepts the shake and then turns at her shipgirls* Alright! listen up! we've made a peace treaty at the Azur lane! no more enemies with them! only the sirens is our real enemy!

Erika: Agreed! *She said while nodding her head*

Natasha and Spectre: Sirens? Azur lane? whats that?

The four commanders: *Looks at Natasha and Spectre*

Hana: Sirens are the aliens... who invade earth... and humanity...

Sophia: They're the one who killed thousands or millions of people on earth...

Hana: And Azur lane... is the one who fight them... until *ahem* *looks at Akatsuki and Erika* this two uses their technology fight them...

Akatsuki: Yeah yeah! I know! We used siren technology to defeat sirens...

Erika: And yes... a war broke out between us and azur lane...

Natasha: сукa! What the hell is wrong with you?!

Spectre: Your the biggest idiots then me... *She said while face-palming*

Natasha: Why didn't you just stole a siren ship and then dismantle it?! then use their technology like that! why do you have to make allies with them?!?!

Akatsuki: I-I-I uuhhh... *She said in embarrass* because!

Erika: They both make sense... we didn't think of that...

Natasha: Oh my god! *She said in disappointment*

Y/n: Hi guys! am bac-! *Gets drag by Natasha*

Natasha: *turns at Akatsuki and Erika* tell this guy what you guys did! NOW!!!

Erika and Akatsuki: Y-Y-YES MAAM!!! *They while shaking in fear*

Erika: So ummm?

(Smol Timeskip brought you by a drunk Natasha trying to seduce Y/n)

Y/n: This motherfu-! what the f### is that for?!?!

Fubuki: *Sits on the deck while eating chips and watching them*

Amiya: *Quietly goes inside one of the rooms inside the ship and did a very SUS thing*

Y/n: You are dumber than me!

Natasha and Spectre: *Watches them with the (AL) Shipgirls and (KC) Shipgirls*

(KC) Fubuki: Is this... normal?

Natasha: Yeah... this is very normal...

(AL) Akagi: His just like Big sister Amagi...

(KC) Yamato: *Eats a burger which she grab on the cafeteria inside the ship* Yummy!

Spectre: *Takes a nap while holding her shield*

Y/n: You bloody idiots!

Hana and Sophia: *Same as Natasha and their shipgirls. Watches Y/n trashtalk the Sakura and Ironblood commanders*

(KC) Nagato: This... is a bit... boring... im just gonna explore the ship... *she said as she turns around and inspects the guns*

Some of the (KC) and (AL) Shipgirls: Same!

(So anyways... as I said... exam is tomorrow... and I need to study... if I failed this test... my phone will be confiscated... dont worry! I'll try to update this when I can! bye!)

(Memes for today!)

(Memes for today!)

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