Which just weirds me out because I’ve never been the type who likes being told what to do. Maybe in high school when my teachers would be too harsh on me. Or when the football team used to tease me. Or perhaps the death of my father leaving a gaping hole of patriarchal authority and now I’m wanting to compensate for it with stronger men.

Either way, Lucien awoke something in me and now I really want him to touch me. But I’m scared of what he would do to me. And what I would do to myself.

I walked out of class and made my way to the quad. I had nothing planned for the rest of the day, meaning I was free to either go explore more of NYC or see if anything was happening on campus.

However, I stopped in my tracks when I saw who was in front of me. I froze, not expecting to see this person.

“L-Lucien…” I muttered out. He was a few feet away from me. There was a sexy man, leaning against his car and wearing a tight fitting suit. He was too encased in his phone to look up. Everytime a girl passed by him, they would stare at the tall hunk. And every guy that passed him would have their masculinity threatened.

And Luien didn’t notice. Or, maybe he did. But he didn’t care because he’s probably used to it. 

I wanted to run away or maybe hide myself. I could sneak back into the building and hide however long I have to. Maybe a car could come crashing and I’d be forced to go to a hospital. Anything to avoid him!

But Lucien’s eyes looked up from his phone, his deep, terrifying eyes pierced into me. I let out a small squeal but was frozen in place. Lucien began his walk towards me. Every step I felt caused the ground to shake. 

His eyes scanned my body. I wore a loose fitting sweater and gray sweatpants. Not the most flattering outfit. But Lucien seemed to not care about that. 

“I’ve been looking for you, Danny Boy.” His deep voice said. The same deep voice that has haunted my dreams for the past few days. The voice that sends chills down my spine.

“Hi, Mr. Vittori!” I quickly said out loud. He smiled at me, or smirked. “What are you doing here?” 

“I heard you agreed to give me a second chance…” He said. Yeah, I did so my family doesn’t get killed.

“Mhm. And I heard you’ll tone it down this time.” I responded. 

“To an extent. Walk with me.” He said. I was confused at first until he put his hand behind the small of my back and led me to the trail outside the building. 

My nerves went up. Lucien was leading me through the quad. I turned around and noticed one of his men following us. 

“Listen, Danny. I want to apologize for snapping at you at dinner.” He said. I looked up at him to see if he was being serious. He was. He didn’t laugh but looked genuine.

“It was humiliating, Mr. Vittori. You won’t do that again, will you?” I asked.

“I can’t promise I won’t. But I’ll make an effort with you. Truth is, I wanted to hook up with you cause I liked how you look. I still like how you look. Though I want to get into dating.” He said. 

We passed by the hippies smoking weed on the hill. “What about your anger issues? Am I gonna get you mad one day and you’ll beat me or kill me?” I asked.

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