The door creaked open then clicked shut. Kenzie didn't even open her eyes. She was too scared of what she might see.


Kenzie opened her eyes at the sound of the familiar voice to find a pair of blue eyes staring into her own.

"Z-Zeke." Kenzie whimpered.

"Kenzie what's wrong?" Zeke asked, his face filled with concern.

Kenzie held out her arms, showing him the purple veins. "I-It won't go away. I-I'm scared. I want my Mommy and Daddy."

"Can you sit up?" Zeke asked.

Kenzie nodded and moved into a sitting position. Zeke climbed onto the table and sat beside her. He reached out a hand and gently traced the veins on her arm with his fingers.

"Its okay Kenzie." Zeke smiled. "You just have to think happy thoughts."

Kenzie sniffled. "Happy thoughts?"

Zeke nodded. "The zombie only comes out when you're upset. If you think happy thoughts, then the zombie will go back in."

Kenzie stared at him. "How do you know that?"

Zeke lowered his voice. "Its supposed to be a secret. Watch."

He closed his eyes and held out his arms. After a moment, Kenzie gasped as purple lines began to appear and climb up his arms.

"You have purple lines too!"

Zeke smiled, opening his eyes and lowering his arms. As quickly as the lines had appeared, they vanished.

"My mommy taught me how to control my zombie." Zeke explained. "You can control it too."

Kenzie nodded, calming down a bit. "Why is it a secret?"

Zeke sighed. "My mommy said if people knew about my zombie they would be scared. She said they'd make me wear a Z-band like her.  Mommy doesn't want that."

Kenzie nodded. "I saw daddy get his new Z-band. He said it didn't hurt but I heard him say 'ow' and his arm was red."

"I don't think they feel good sometimes." Zeke agreed.

Kenzie looked at the purple lines on her arms and legs then looked at Zeke. "You can   make it stop?"

Zeke nodded. "Close your eyes and think happy thoughts."

Kenzie closed her eyes. She thought about playing Candy land with her Mommy and Daddy, playing stage with Brayden and Ezmae, singing Happy Birthday to Uncle Bonzo, and eating ice cream with her grandpa. A smile formed on her face and Zeke watched as her veins receded and vanished.

"Kenzie, look."

Kenzie opened her eyes and looked at her arms and legs. They were normal. No more purple lines, just tan skin.

"You did it Zeke! You did it!" Kenzie squealed, hugging him tight. "They're all gone!"

Zeke hugged her back. "You did it Kenzie. You thought happy thoughts."

Just then the door opened and Dr. Hazel and Zevon stepped inside.

"Zeke...." Dr. Hazel sighed. "What have I told you about coming into patient rooms?"

"Not to." Zeke replied, meeting his mom's gaze. "But Kenzie was crying."

"You still shouldn't come in without permission. It might not be safe." Dr. Hazel replied, walking over to examine Kenzie. She gasped when she saw nothing but normal skin. "They're gone!"

Kenzie giggled. "Zeke said to think happy thoughts. I did it and they went away. I can control it too."

Dr. Hazel looked at Zeke. "You told her?"

Zeke nodded. "She was scared. I wanted to show her it was okay so I showed her my veins."

"Zeke has this problem too?" Zevon questioned.

Dr. Hazel sighed. "Yes, but he can control it very well. It seems that like Zeke, Kenzie's zombism is connected to her emotions. As long as she learns to control her feelings it shouldn't be a problem."

"That's a lot to ask of a 3 year old." Zevon admitted. "But we can try."

Dr. Hazel nodded. "I know, but the alternative is wearing a Z-band. I'd rather that be a last resort."

"Agreed." Zevon replied, placing a hand over his own Z-band. "Is it alright for her to go home?"

"Yes." Dr. Hazel answered. "Just work on her emotional control. The sooner she learns to deal with it the easier it will be for her later on."

"I will discuss it with her parents and we will certainly work on it the best we can." Zevon nodded. "Thank you for everything."

"Of course." Dr. Hazel smiled. "Anytime."

Zevon picked Kenzie up. "Let's go see your Mommy and Daddy. Ms. Zinnia called, it seems they had to go to the doctor too."

"Okay Grandpa." Kenzie nodded before turning back to Zeke. "Bye Zeke!"

"Bye Kenzie!" Zeke waved as they walked out the door.

Zevon took Kenzie back to the car and buckled her in. He climbed into the driver's seat and took a deep breath before taking off. This was turning into a long night.

Zombies 7Where stories live. Discover now