I walk out the dorm and make sure I lock up before I leave since Sarah left sometime while I was in the restroom, and make my way to the Wendy's located just a ten minutes walk from here.

When I make it to the Wendy's I check the time on my phone. 10:00. Just on time. 10 is the time Ethan said he would be here. Not noticing his car in the basically empty parking lot I take a seat in one of the red hard and plastic swively chairs inside the Wendy's after ordering their classic sea salt fries. Gosh I love them so much. Hopefully they'll have fries like these in heaven so I can eat as much as I want for an eternity. After I finish off the fries I glance out the huge windows eager for Ethan's arrival.

Finally after 15 minutes he pulls up in the parking lot. I quickly discard my empty small fry container in the trash and scramble out my seat and outside into his awaiting car.

"Hey. Sorry I'm late." He apologizes as he reverses out the lot.

"No worries." I respond breezily and smile widely. "I missed you." I know I sound desperate but that's because in actuality I am. I crave the attention and adoration Ethan shows for me because it's not something that I have received in a while.

He smirks. "I know."

I hit him playfully on the shoulder and he lets out a small chuckle glancing at me briefly in the process. That look is enough to set butterflies fluttering in my stomach. What is this boy doing to me? And this is only our second date.

"So how far away is this place?" I question.

"Maybe 20 minutes. Just sit pretty." He responds as he pats my thigh. Goosebumps immediately break the surface of my skin at his electric touch.

I grin like a maniac and relax in my seat. Thinking about the time when he first asked me out. It was after Isabelle and I saw him perform at that restaurant/bar place. He came up to us when we were about to leave all nervous and jittery, contrasting his usual gruff tone and nonchalant facial expressions.

"We should go out sometime." He said grufflyy trying to cover up his nervousness but I could see right through it. I was shocked at first. His attitude with me hadn't been to pleasant with me up until that point. It was Charlotte who prodded me to respond.

"Um yeah." I said after a while completely fluttered. Then a small smile spreaded across my face and I remember letting out a school girl giggle. "We should."

Now here we are.

After a while we pull up to the place. The club is already alive and full of people, judging from the long line snaking outside. The pulsating electro music can be heard from where we're parked.

"You ready?" He questions looking at me with that smile that melts my insides.

"Yeah." I smile back goofily. I think I'd be ready to go to the moon with him if he asked in my like stricken state.


So far we've been having fun. We've danced to every song and he hasn't not once let me out of his sight. Grabbing my hand for another dance everytime another guy asks me.

We finally sit down taking a break. I'm sweating like a hog which is so not attractive and my throat is parched.

"You want me to get you something to drink?" He asks as if reading my mind.



"Rootbeer." I confirm with a smile. Aww he remembered from our first date and from the restaurant! God if I was in my normal state I would slap myself for how silly and gushy I was acting.

Getting to Nirvana {editing}Where stories live. Discover now