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"Marina and I, we quickly became friends when I got into Las Encinas. She was one of my best friends, she didn't care if I was still friends with the girls who no longer talked to her, she was just happy to have a friend. We told each other everything, I was the only one outside of her family to know she was HIV-positive, the only one she trusted enough. We had no secrets. No matter what mistakes or bad choices she made, she did not deserve that."

         Cordélia watched Nano with wide opened eyes trying to process what he had just said, Marina was what now? She opened her mouth to talk a few times but closed it every time not sure of what to say. Surprisingly, she wasn't much bothered about the idea of Marina's child being Nano's, it was obvious that Marina, even if she was with Samuel, had a crush on his older brother, it hit her the first time at Samu's party when she reacted so coldly when the brunette told her she was in Nano's room. Jealousy was an ugly thing, ever since that party, Marina hadn't talk much to Lia and the later had figured Nano was the issue, and now she knew she was right.

"Lia? Say something please."
"I... You... Congratulations? I guess."
"I'm sorry."
"No, no, hum... I... it's okay. I kind of suspected she had a thing for you."
"What? How?"
"She's been acting weird ever since she knew you and I were hanging out. I'm not really surprised. About her liking you I mean because the pregnancy part was clearly not expected."
"It only happened once, and I... I don't like her like I like you."
"Nano, is Marina going to keep the baby?"
"I don't know. But I..."
"Look, I like you, I really do, you helped me a lot over the past few weeks and I'm really grateful for that. But if Marina keeps the baby, you have to be there for her, because I know that her parents won't, and she will need someone by her side."
"I'm so sorry, Lia, I wish things were different."
"It's okay. Deep down, we both knew it would have to end eventually."
"We were kind of Lady and the Tramp, weren't we?"
"Yeah, except there was no happy ending for us. I'll miss you, Nano."
"Me too, but if you ever need me, you know where to find me, Posh girl."

         The two friends shared one last kiss and a very long hug before the boy left the place without looking back, leaving the girl he learned to love despite their many differences. Cordélia sigh sadly when she heard the door close behind him, that was her second breakup in a few weeks, and even if this one hurt less than the previous, it still hurt. She and Nano were never officially together, but what they had was real, and even if it was short, she would always cherish the memories of their moments together.
         After eating with her family, the brunette headed to her room happy to finally be back in her own bed, she settled in holding her Winnie the Pooh stuffed bear that she had since she was a baby, seeking comfort in its smell. She was watching FRIENDS when someone entered her room, she turned around and smiled widely when she saw her best friend standing in the doorway.

"Hi, your maid let me in, and then I had to endure the judgmental stares of your grandparents, that was scary. Anyhow, I didn't know you had a maid."
"Bridget was my nanny when I was living in London, Grandma sent her to take care of me, which actually means that she's here to report to my grandma if I fuck up again. You can come in, I don't bite."

         The boy walked up to the bed and sat on it across from the French girl, they looked at each other for a while until his eyes moved lower on her arm noticing something he had never seen before.

"How long have you had an insulin pump?"

         She looked down to her arm, only now noticing that her pump was showing, she quickly put her sweatshirt's sleeve correctly on, trying to hide it even if she knew it was too late.

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