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"At 9:30 p.m., on the night of June 1st, you entered the school's swimming pool, Marina was there. You had an increasingly heated argument, you picked up the trophy and hit her, on the back of the head. But she didn't die instantly which means that you left her there bleeding to death. This is what we believe happened, and more importantly, what the judge will believe happened. Do you have anything you want to say in your defence?"

         When Cordélia walked into the gymnasium escorted by her maternal grandmother and her paternal grandfather, she looked more like her titles than ever. Her makeup put forward her mismatched eyes and her perfectly straightened hair complimented her face, and her floral knee length dress really made her look like an heiress. As Guzmán walked up to his best friend and her family, he thought of how she always seemed to dress more carefully around her grandmother. When the boy stopped in front of them, he slightly bowed his head before kissing the duchess' hand in sign of respect.

"Your Grace. Monsieur de Martin de Viviés."
"Guzmán, it's always a pleasure to see you."
"The pleasure is mine, your Grace."
"Guzmán, boy, are your parents here?"
"They sure are, sir, last time I saw them they were talking to Azucena near the stage."
"Alright, then, this is our cue, we will see you later, Lia, Guzmán."
"See you, Grandma."

         The brunette smiled as her friend offered her his arm to lead them to the drink table where they both pick up a glass before heading back to their previous spot.

"She likes you; you know."
"My grandma. She really appreciates that you respect her titles, not a lot of people seem to do so nowadays."
"It's only exercise, that way I know what to call you the day you become the duchess, which hopefully won't happen for another long years."
"I don't think I'll be half as good as she is."
"Lia, a queen considered you to be her heir's wife, and you think you won't be a good duchess? Nonsense."
"Thank you, Guz, you always know what to say."

         The two friends shared a shocked look when Marina appeared in front of us, calling the girl's name. It only took half a second to Guzmán to turn his heels and leave with an angry look on his face. Cordélia tried not to let her annoyance show on her face, instead she patiently waited for the red-haired girl to talk.

"You will look after him, right?"
"I'm sorry, what?"
"Guzmán, he needs you, you..."
"Marina, let's not play this game, let's not pretend you didn't call me a bitch multiple times the last time we talk, and let's not do this farewell thing, unless you really mean it."
"I mean it, I shouldn't have said those things to you, I was jealous because Nano clearly has feelings for you, and it hurt me."
"Yeah, the best way to get over a boy is obviously to keep his baby."
"I know you're mad at me but..."
"I'm not mad, I'm hurt. All these years, I stood by your side, I supported each and every of your decisions, I was always here for you, and you, you threw that out of the window for a boy. You turned your back on everyone who love you for him, did you think just for one second of the consequences of your actions? No, of course not, because you've always had your brother cleaning up your mess after you. Do you even realize the harm that you've done around you? For the love of God, Marina you fucked all of us up, you threw people under the bus just because you wouldn't take the responsibilities of your actions. So, no, I'm not mad, disappointed yes, hurt yes, but mad, no. Because if you're going to leave, I don't want to be mad. I wish you good luck, and when you decide that this tiny rebellion is over, I'll gladly welcome you back."
"Délia, I love you, and I'm so sorry."
"I know."

         Cordélia left to go back to the rest of her friends, she joined them without a word as they all looked badly at Marina, they all had reasons to be mad at her, in the past few days she had messed so many things up, things and people. As they turned to the stage to listen to the scholarship attribution's speech, the French girl had the impression that the air was getting colder around them as the tension rose.

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