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"Nano couldn't have killed Marina."
"How could you be sure? And if it wasn't him, then who was it, Cordélia?"
"I don't know, but he loved her, so much."

As much as Cordélia loved her friends, she sometimes hated spending time with Lu and Carla, because the two girls always ended up bickering, like they had done this afternoon about Carla's relationship with Polo and Christian, something that the French girl despite but said nothing about because she just wanted her friends to be happy. So she had left Lu's house early to head to Samuel's house to help him get the place ready for tonight. The brunette's look was much more casual than usually wore, she was wearing a black collared top and her plaid pants that her grandma had designed with their clan's tartan and her good old Dr. Martens. She went to knock on the door, but it opened before she could touch it revealing an unknown face to her.

"Hi? You are?"
"Cordélia. Samuel's friend from school?"
"Stop acting like a security guard and let her in, Omar."

The said Omar did let her in, allowing her to see Samuel, Nano and Christian all standing in the living room watching her walk in like she was an alien. A defeated Christian handed each of the García Domínguez brother a bank note before taking a sip of his beer with a frown.

"Okay, so is this the party mood or should we expect more smiles later?"
"Christian bet that you would never come, and he just lost. I told you she was coming."
"Yeah, whatever. What is she even doing here, doesn't she hate people like us?"
"Huh, sorry, have I become invisible or what?"
"Don't pretend it's not true, you and your rich friends hate the poor kids."
"Last time I checked, you were sleeping with Carla and smoking with Ander, Samuel was friend with Marina, and I was helping Samuel with school. That doesn't look like hate to me."
"Fine, you don't hate Samuel, but you hate me, and Nadia."
"Christian, that's enough. Cordélia is our guest, so whether you respect her or you leave."
"You're for real right now, man?"

Christian headed to the kitchen while Cordélia walked to Nano with a grateful smile, she could have gone into this fight with the boy, but she did not wish too, she just wanted to party. She leaned on the wall as the older boy began mixing again looking at her from time to time.

"You okay? You know, after the whole thing with your dad."
"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm used to it. It's nothing."
"Is it really a good idea to party after that?"
"As long as I don't drink, I should be okay."
"Then no beer for you tonight, and don't touch the punch, Christian spiced it up."
"Gosh, I'd kill for a joint right now."
"You smoke?"
"Sometimes, it just helps calm my nerves when I don't take my meds. Which isn't the best idea, but you've got to die of something right? And I'd rather die of an overdose than beaten up by my father. Who's the boy who opened the door."
"It's Omar, he went to San Esteban with Samu and Christian. His sister is in your school, her name is Nadia."
"It looks like he doesn't like me much."
"Well, what is much. Plus, it doesn't matter, you have me."
"Ah yeah?"
"Yeah, if you don't feel great for any reason come to me, alright?"
"Thanks, Nano."
"Oh, and in case nobody told you today, you're really hot, posh girl."
"You're not bad yourself, Nano."

The brunette girl then started to get busy helping with the finishing touches of the flat's preparation, but she ended up spending more time reassuring Samuel about Marina and him asking her out. Cordélia was really glad that her friend finally found someone who loved her as she was, she truly deserved it. She couldn't help but smile when the boys light up the numerous Christmas lights through the place to create an ambiance, it was so different from what she was used too, she loved it. Lia spent most of the early night sitting on the counter in the kitchen, drinking the few diet drinks that she could find in the fridge, people were getting drunk and high around her, and it annoyed her to be sober when she very much needed some herbs right now. And it wasn't like she could even use her phone because it was currently charging on Nano's DJ set since the battery died, she was really bored and Omar's few attempts to talk weren't really successful. Looked like things were about to go down even worse since Ander just walked into the kitchen accompanied by Samuel.

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