Chapter 3 - Lightning Eyes

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Why am I being like this?! All he did was add me back and I'm acting like my mom died. Well she did but still.

"We're getting new seats tomorrow, ughhhh" Marina says pouting. "We are?" I ask. "Yeah we do like every 3 weeks, I don't wanna move seeeaaats" She groans. "Do you know where the new seats are?" I ask, im worried about sitting next to someone else. I've gotten close to Rebecca, Julie and Marina and I barely know anyone else. But why does a part of me kind of want too move? "Nope" Marina says before taking random pictures of her orange juice.

I wonder if I'm gonna sit next to Ha- no no why am I thinking this?! What's wrong with me today?! I think I'm going insane. Maybe it's just the new place that's making me all weird. Yeah totally.

After I come home I lay starfish spread across my bed thinking. God that guy.. his eyes. They're like lightning, so powerful and they're kind of yellow And they make me feel electrocuted? In a good way. I roll over and slightly smile thinking about them when I realize what I'm doing. I jump up out of my bed in horror. What am I thinking?! This isn't me.

I've never been like this before. I've never even thought a guy was cute. I hate how I'm feeling. I go downstairs to grab a water-bottle before remembering, Harun always has a water-bottle..
OH MY GOD HANNAH STOP. I yell at myself from the inside while I frown in disgust and put the water-bottle down. I head back up to my room and watch Netflix for the rest of the night til I fall asleep.

Where am I? I look around and it's only fields as far as the eye can see.. but what's that? I see something running towards me. I try to move away but I can't. It comes closer and closer til I realize what it is, or who it is. Just standing before me, inches away coming closer and closer... til his face is barely away from mine. Harun. "Hannah..." He says softly. Now even closer. I can feel his aura cleansing my skin. "kiss me..." He says. I try to pull away but I can't. It's like I'm trapped in a spell. Just milliseconds before our lips touch suddenly I fall. I pick myself up and realize now I can move! But where am I? I hear loud traffic noises coming from all around me and buildings so tall they're up in the clouds. I'm scared, I can't stay here any longer. I have to find Harun. I'm running through the city as the cold, gray wind pushes through me. I stop, heavily breathing and hands on my knees. I tilt my head up. I'm in some sort of tunnel? It's dark but there's a warm dewy light. "Hello?" I say returning to my normal posture slowly. "Hello." I hear a voice say. But I recognize it? I walk further in as my shoes splash against the mild puddle running through the tunnel. "Hannah..." I hear the voice say. I step closer. "Hannah..." I hear the voice say again from underneath. I look down. My eyes widen and I get goosebumps. My mothers head laying on the cold, wet tunnel ground. Her eyes lifeless and mouth slightly open. I take a step back and turn my head around to see if I can escape. This is horrifying. "Hannah! Look at me darling.." I feel my heart shatter like it's the most fragile glass. I want to turn back around but I know I can't. "Hannah?" I hear the voice say again, the voice of my mothers sliced off head.. just lying there. Before I can even think, I burst into tears. Streaming down my face, I could fill an ocean. As much as it hurts, I need to see my moms face one last time. I turn around but she isn't there... I look up. There's only.. Harun. "Hannah..." He says. His face expressionless. The spark in him gone. "Kiss me..." He says sharply,  jaw clenched. A strong Lightning strikes down on him lighting up his one eye. His lightning eyes... I look confused around and realize we're suddenly not in the tunnel anymore? We're in the same place as before, but now it's dark and stormy. Another strike hits down on him again. His hair and clothes flowing as the storm becomes stronger and stronger. He steps closer as his hands grab my hair and neck... and his lips touch mi-


I jump out of my bed breathing heavily and looking traumatized. What. The. Fuck.

The whole morning I'm still shaken from my dream. Was that even a dream?! More like a nightmare. God. I just... There's a theory that all dreams have meaning. If so, then what the hell was that supposed to mean?! Wait- Do I-

"Oh god I have to sit next to Ursula.. ughhh" Marina groans as she sits in her new seat. I completely forgot we were getting new seats today. I wonder where my new seat is.. "Hannah you sit next to Harun over there" Mr. Solar tells me as he points to the three empty desks next to Harun. Oh no god please no.

I walk over and put my backdown as I sit next to him. "Hi" He says, with his handsome smile. I realize  I'm staring at his lips when I quickly answer "Hi" putting an obvious fake smile and immediately focusing on something else. I acted like I didn't care but I know damn well my heart was going 611027432574990162528 miles per hour. What is he doing to me?! Class continues as I try my hardest not to focus on him. "Hey Hannah, can you help me with this?" Harun asks cheerfully as he taps on my shoulder. I freeze and slowly turn around. "Uhm ok" I say quietly. I tell him how to do it but catch myself falling into his gaze. He's been looking into my eyes this whole time but I knew if I looked back at him, I couldn't look away. His lightning eyes, striking their way into my heart. They're perfect. I realize what I'm doing and look back at his math book. "So yeah basically just add these all up." I say and flatten my mouth.

For the rest of the day all I think about are his lightning eyes..

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