Chapter Four

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"Uhhh..." I scratch behind my ear.

"Miss are you...okay?"


She chokes on a sob again.

"Sorry ,you must be mistaking me for someone else."

She looks so small and vulnerable, she definitely must be having a bad day,well I know because i've seen that look on my face every time i wake up with sweat sticking to my clothes for no reason because well..i don't remember my dreams or rather nightmares,the only reminder being my own screams deafening my ears and the stench of pure undiluted fear.

"Is there anything i can do to help? do you maybe wana..sit down for a bit?" I ask,my voice sounding unsure.

She swallows audibly and takes a deep breath.

"Am I hallucinating? I must be." she whispers so low i would have missed it had i not been so focused.

"Yeah i think you need to sit down."

She seems like she'd jump me any second so i sit and pat the bench.

"You can sit here." i give a hesitant smile and she looks at the bench like it's on fire,i pat again and she sits slowly, too slow.

"You must be having a bad day, well i am too."

she just keeps staring at me providing no answer,so i keep talking.

"You know this place is my sanctuary." I sigh "It's weird but I feel free when i come here,like i can just give the world the middle finger and do anything or choose what i want to control."

I lift my head and find her staring at me,her face white. Wait a minute! why is she draining color.

"Uhhh.." i scratch the back of my ear. "You're kind of making me nervous,are you sure you're okay?"

"You still do that." she whispers while staring at the hand near my ear.

"Excuse me?" i ask confused. "Do what?"

"Mm mm." She clears her throat. "never mind,what did you say your name was again?"

"I....didn't actually give you my name."

I quickly go back to the pond conversation because i shouldn't trust anybody in my condition.

"You know, my mom told me I loved water. Ever since i was a little girl,i loved the rain so much, i still do which actually gets her mad because I might get sick and i'm 20 now,a grown up."

I let out a small laugh.

"Yo- your mom?" She stutters

"Yep my mom." She stares at me like i'm some sort of alien. Maybe..maybe

"Am sorry did that upset you? is your mom..."

"No no it's okay,you said nothing wrong."

"Ohh." i smile. "I don't really talk too much around strangers," i say. She gives me a small smile,she actually has dimples,i should be jealous. why am i not jealous?

"I talk a lot too,my best friend and i used to talk too much it would grate on people's nerves." she smiles. "We were twinflames."

I don't know why but my heart warms at her words. She said 'used to' maybe that's why she's sad.

"Sorry to ask,but is she dead?"

"No,she just...disappeared." she sniffles.

There's a few beats of silence.

"Hey,tell you what? i have wishing coins,maybe you could use one? i always wish on a coin and throw it in the pond,i believe my wishes might come true."

I reach a hand in my backpack and retrieve a coin.

"Here,you can wish."

She takes it and stands up,eyes closed. Where have i seen her before? She looks familiar..

Well i'm not from here so that's impossible,she's really pretty,maybe she's some actress look alike.

She throws the coin in the pond and turns to face me.

"That just made me feel better." She says

"What did you wish for?"

"To have my best friend back."

I pause for a second, so it is her best friend. i smile at her.

"I hope you do." We stare at each other until it becomes awkward.

"Sooo." I say, "I should probably get going its getting late."

I stand and swing my backpack over my shoulder.

"NO WAIT!" she yells so loud jumping up from the bench, I flinch. Shit she scared me.

"Uhhh sorry, I didn't mean to freak you out."

She picks at me from under her lashes looking embarrassed.

"All good," I chuckle.

"Can we walk out together?"

"Sure," I say.

We're quiet for some minutes then we both speak at the same time.

"Do yo-"

"Can we-" then we smile

"You go first."

"Is it okay if i maybe get your number?" She says.

She's a stranger,i probably shouldn't, what if she's a psycho, I must take long to respond because she says,

"It's okay if you don't want to,maybe Snapchat or Instagram?"

I don't know why but I say,

"No,no it's completely fine, you can give me yours too."

We exchange numbers.

"I'm Draya by the way."

Draya.. I try the name in my head.

Draya? I shake my head,probably a name I heard at the shelter.

"Madison, you can call me Mady." I smile and she looks uncomfortable.

A few minutes later, i hail down a cab. She looks way too hesitant to leave,maybe she needs something else? should i perhaps hug her? do i want to hug her? Why do i want to hug her.

"Uhhm..bye i guess."

"Bye." She smiles and just then,the need to hug her strikes more so i do and she hugs me back,a little tighter than necessary.

We break apart and i get in the car. I look back and she's still standing in the same spot,looking at the car. I face forward and frown,that was weird.

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