Chapter Three

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Numb numb numb. I bob my head to the tune of Numb by G Spenser playing in my ears.

I've always loved ear pods, they transfer me to another world,sometimes my phone might be dead but i pretend to be listening to music because well..

I draw too much attention from both men and women. My colleagues and other people always tell me it's because of the looks and the accent.

"She just made me uncomfortable,can you assist her next time instead of me?" I rub the back of my ear when the girl who came to check on her cat leaves.

Ana chuckles.

"Well,I can't blame her you know,just look at you Mady."

"There's nothing special about me Anna. I'm just an average girl."

"Are you kidding me? Check this out," she places the kitten down and taps her finger against her chin. "Tiny waist,wide hips,small handful boobs, long brown,straight shiny hair,big round blue eyes, long lashes people tend to ask if they're fake and a pretty descent ass.."

I roll my eyes.

My mom always says she fears someone might take me away from her and make me their personal doll and papa said she's just scared am going to have a boyfriend and leave them, he says am their most prized possession, not that i'm some furniture or something, he says I'm his diamond, their special diamond.

I sigh, i love my parents, i don't even want to imagine life without them. Despite jumbled memories, they told me the reason was because i was at the wrong place at the wrong time,

A café i loved to go to had some kitchen explosion so i hit my head and the injury was critical, they had to sale the beach house mum inherited from grandma just to pay for my surgery. My parents are my heroes and my life,i would do anything to make them happy and proud which is why i couldn't turn down papa's happiness when he saw me having a conversation with Steve at his friends house,

Well we were invited for dinner, Steve is the son of Wendy and Paul Parker, dad's friends and possibly new business partners. Steve is a total jerk,so him actually trying hard to have a conversation with me was a shock,he actually asked papa if he could court me and here i am, dating a total jealous insecure and controlling jerk.

He's got the looks though,lean and tall about 5.9 ,blond hair,blue eyes and smells good,so it's not that bad..right? His father is a politician running for governor.

"Hey baby."

Steve honks his car in front of the house.

"Hey! i'll be right down." I yell from my bedroom window.

"You're late,thought i'd give you a ride."

He smiles as i open the passenger door of his Lamborghini.

"Thanks! life saver," i kiss his cheek.

"Uh uh,here." he taps his lips and i smile, a blush creeping up my cheeks then i peck him on the lips.

"Off we go." he shoots his lambo forward.

"Can you drive a bit slower?"

"What's the fun in having a lambo only to drive it slower?"

I roll my eyes and smile.


We reach the animal shelter in no time, i step out of the car.

"Why don't you just find something worthy of your time to do? you're wasting time helping out disposed animals."

"It's not a waste Steve,and please don't call them disposed, besides,we talked about this."

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