Chapter Five

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I swear to God,i swear to God it is her! Why is she Mady? why did she say her mom? The ear scratching thing when she's nervous,that voice,that laugh,the love of is her,it's her. Too many questions i feel like am going crazy,I walk at full speed, i think i'm bumping into people but I don't care right now.

Some are probably yelling and shouting at me but I can't hear them, all i can hear is the whoosh sound in my head,my ears and... i stop walking, did i just do a 40 minutes walk? because dang! I'm staring up at my brothers house,his and Chris's house. I usually prefer gramp's home or Zoe's because well Chris and i in the same house?

Those abs and hands flexing while making coffee with damp hair,in his tight boxer shorts which hold that perfect tight ass,man that ass is.... SNAP OUT OF IT DRAYA! Lana remember? Right! Lana. I resume my mad walking,thank goodness i have the code so i buzz myself in and hello hello i'm alone. I reach for my phone and dial Drae's number.

"Hello." He picks up on the 3rd ring. "I'm a bit busy Draya."

"Mmm can't it wait?"

The sound of open mouthed kisses reaches my ear and i pull the phone away for a second scrunching my nose. Zoe!

"Your place,Right now!"

Then I cut the call and begin pacing like a caged animal.

Sixteen minutes later, I hear the rumble of a car then I rush down the steps.

"What's up? You gave me a scare."

My brother walks in with Zoe on his arm,doesn't she ever get tired? she's been spending more time with him than me,the gap between us is growing lately.

Am surprised there's no baby news yet,i smirk at that thought because my brother would die if that were to happen, announcement gone wrong.

He does like Zoe but am not too sure he'd settle with her,have babies and the white picket fence shit but he might because he needs to. I must still have the tiny smirk because I hear,

"Tell me this isn't a prank."


when did he get here? my brother must have called him. then I remember Lana! I stare at Zoe,she's observing and picking at her red nails obviously pretending to be busy so she can stay and hear our conversation.

"Hey,can you please wait upstairs?"

she looks around the three of us like we just insulted her.

"Are you being for real? so now am not in the circle?"

"It's not that Zoe,it's just...too personal."

"So i don't get to be involved in personal issues now?"

I look at my brother for help.

"Zoe,please?" He pecks her neck and I roll my eyes.

"Okay fine."

She rasps out,walks to the stairs and slams the door.

Wow! Moody much?

Chris leans on the door frame, legs crossed at the ankles.

"What's wrong?" My brothers voice breaks through the silence. "And please stop pacing."

I stop when I realise I was doing that.

I move at full speed and stand in front of him,hands resting on my waist. I crane my neck back so I can look at him straight in the eyes.

"I saw her."

His Pawn, Her Weakness.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat