eleven | challenge

Start from the beginning

That damn rock glistens almost as bright as the sun when it catches the light. And usually, I love things that sparkle. But this diamond has clear undertones of mocking and practically screams 'I'm better then you'.

"She can't get married, Margot. She barely looks over fifteen!"

Margot covers her mouth with her hand but that doesn't stop me from being able to hear her giggling.

"You're a tiny little mouse, aren't you? Bless, must be frightening being around the big boys, hm?"

"Oi, tweedle bitch and tweedle bitcher." My bones practically jump out of my skin in shock at the addition of a new voice. "Lay off and go redirect that energy towards your cheating husbands."

I watch in what can only be described as awe when a supermodel-worthy woman comes to my side.

For a split second, I take on the role of a creepy man and let myself admire how her toned legs go on for miles, her dark hair shimmers and her cheekbones slice through the middle of her face.

This woman is flawless.

"My husband does not cheat on me!"

"I let him cheat so it's allowed!" The women say in perfect unison, proving my new crush's point perfectly.

"I feel sorry for you girls, really, I do."

Mrs botox-lady glowers. "Get off your damn high horse, Ciara. You're no better then the rest of us!"

Ciara? As in Carter's wife Ciara?

No. Freaking. Way.

"But I am better then you, Margot. Because I'm not a raging asshole. Now scram! I have my new best friend to meet."

I've known her all but two seconds and I can already say with certainty that Ciara Vaughn is one badass lady.

"Sorry about that. This box is crawling with nasty bitches like that." She shivers and loos her arm with my elbow. "It's okay, you've got me to protect you. I'll bat off these freaks all damn game if I have to!"

I chuckle and walk with her to the marble-top bar. "I seriously can't thank you enough. There's just something about rude rich people that leaves me a quivering mess!" 

"I was just like that when my husband first invited me up here too. You eventually get used it and learn how to put them in their place."

The barman rushes over to us without even being called. Ciara orders a bottle of champagne and just as I'm beginning to pale at the thought of paying for that, she tells him to place the order on 'Mr Romano's tab'.

I like this woman's style.

"Sweet baby Jesus, I've been so rude! I haven't even introduced myself." She tuts. "I'm Ciara Vaughn, Carter's wife. It's so nice to finally meet you."

She wraps her toned arms around me, enveloping me in warmth and what I'm 99% sure is Chanel No.5.

"Hi, I'm November Levine. Logan's new puppy-sitter." I introduce myself with a warm smile of my own. "But my friends call me Nova."

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