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“Um… Mr. Miller!” I said as we reached the car. He started shifting things into the car from the cart, chosing not to hear me.

“Sean.” I said and this time, he turned around to face me.

“What is it now?” He asked.

“Um…” I pointed towards what looked like a cozy Italian Pizza place from outside named Marinos.

“Don’t tell me you want pizza now?” He asked and I nodded. He stared at me, and then at the pizza place, and then exhaled a long, exasperating sigh. “And if I say no, you would not shut up the whole way back to home. Right?” I nodded once again. He clenched his teeth in frustration.

Few minutes later, we were sitting inside the cozy place filled with the smell of fresh flour and cheese. We ordered a large margherita pizza and then sat there, waiting for it to arrive.

“Do you like pizza?” I asked in an attempt to do small talk.

“Not the American one.” He said.

“And what are you? Italian?” I said sarcastically.

“No, but my grandfather was. I spent four years in Italy.” He said casually. 

“Somebody told me at the party that you haven’t been to university. Is that true?” I asked.

“Yes.” He shrugged.

“How do you run your business then?” I asked.

“Is formal education necessary for that?” He asked in an annoyed tone and I didn’t know what to say in reply. “I was trained by my father. He was the school I went to.”

“Oh.” I said.

“He wasn’t the best father but he was the best in what we do.” Sean said, staring out of the window. His voice had gotten low all of sudden, as if he was being haunted by some memories.

“And what is it that you do?” I asked.

“Sell.” He said sharply, returning to his usual demeanour.

“Sell what?” I asked, confused.

“Anything. Turns out, if you have the talent for it, you can sell anything.” He whispered.

I wanted to ask some more but the way he said that, some small shivers ran down my spine. I gulped and turned my attention to the pizza that had just arrived. The first bite felt straight from heaven so I dug into it like a hungry animal, eating almost three-fourth of it. 

“If someone looked at you, they would think we let you starve.” Sean commented and that’s when I realized he had been watching me. My face got warm in embarrassment and I put down the fifth slice I had picked. 

“I am full anyways.” I said and stood up to leave. Sean paid the bill ignoring my attempt to contribute and then walked out with me. With a full tummy, I dropped lazily on the passenger seat, resisting the urge to sleep.

“Anything else? Ice cream?” I shook my head, realizing a little late that it was sarcasm. 

He started the car and soon, we were on our way back to hell. I don’t know why someone would buy such a huge mansion but in a place like that. There were so many better options out here but no, the crazy brothers wanted to live in a wilderness.

Soon, sleep started to overpower me and I closed my eyes but suddenly, I was awaken by a sharp jolt. I opened my eyes and found us on a stranded road. Sean looked scary in the bright moonlight as his eyes were fixated on the road.

He was driving the car in an alarming speed and that caught me off guard. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Ssshhh." He said, focusing on the road.

"But what happened? Where are we?" I asked, trying to get a hold of the situation.

"Shut up and stay low." He said and suddenly took a 270-degree turn, crossing another car and blocking its way.

A vein in his forehead popped out as he left the car. Reaching the other car, he stomped on the car's bumper until the man inside walked out. I had wanted to follow him but the whole situation looked a little out of my hands.

The man that appeared from the other car was tall and muscular, his curly hair reaching his shoulders. As soon as he stepped out, Sean held him from his collar. The other man tried to free himself but Sean was a lot stronger than him. It didn't take a lot of effort for Sean to overpower him.

"Why were you following us?" He roared as he gripped his jaw. "Who sent you?"

Another car stopped behind both cars and Lucas stepped out of it, along with two other men. "I'll bring him along, Sean. Take her home."

"Keep him caged. I will be the first one to interrogate him." Sean said, spitting out. The look on Sean's face was enough to scare me. He looked murderous and hungry for blood. When he slid back in the car, I didn't dare to ask him anything as I didn't want to be on receiving end of his anger. The rest of the car drive was silent, the only sound filling the interior was the sound of his harsh breathing.


The Mysterious Mr. MillerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon