Other ways to say ... (II)

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"I think"

"I asumme that..."

"I consider"

"To me..."

"I feel that..."

"If you ask me..."

"The way I see it..."

"It seems to me ..."

"As far as I concerned..."

"To my mind..."

"It's my belief that ..."

"As far as I can tell"

"In my opinion"

"To my way of seeing..."









"Hang on a sec(ond)"

"Let me see"

"Hold on"

"Just a sec(ond)"

"Can you give me a minute?"

"Let me know"

"Keep me updated"

"Keep me informed"

"Keep me in the loop"

"Keep me posted"

"Inform me"

"Notify me"

"Enlighten me"

"Tell me if you find anything"



"For that reason" 




"Let's have sex!"

"Let's hook up!"

"Let's test the mattress!"

"Let's bang!"

"Let's copulate!"

"Let's do the no-pants dance!"

"Let's go to bed!"

"Let's fool around!"

"Let's do it!"


"That's so frikking annoying"

"I'm literally so freaking angry right now"

"Omg! That is so bloody awesome!"

"Blumming hell!"

"You are so frigging cute!"

"I agree"

"I agree with you"

"You've hit the nail on the head"

"I could not agree with you more"

"I feel the same"

"That's so true"

"That's right!"

"No doubt about it"


"Carry on (with)"

"Carry over"


"Go on with"

"Go ahead"

"Keep up"

"Keep it up"

"Keep going"


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