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Mia visited calixx on her own

Mia:hey calixx how are you?I really miss you

Calixx: hii Mia, I'm fine and I missed you too

The two of them chatted and some minutes later,calixx starts to feel something weird

Calixx:hey mia? I think my time has come.

Mia:shhh don't say that calixx,hey do you still remember when we were young?we used to run around until we get tired,I still remember the times where you used to come to my place to watch anime and cartoons,there was also the time were we almost got lost because of playing hide and seek..I miss those days

Calixx: Yeah I miss those days too, we were still young back then and we have no problems

Mia:Calixx.. *cries*I like you.. I like you... I like you since we were 10 years old please... please don't leave me.. please don't leave us.. I can't live without you...we can't live without you...

Calixx:*smiled* I like you too mia but I'm know no one can live forever and it's hard to fight cancer.. I'm almost drained mia..

Mia:*cries* if you can't stay with us forever then please... please stay with us a bit longer..please...let me take care of you untill you get drained

Calixx:*smiled* Okay Mia...

Mia spend all of his time with calixx and the chemistry between the two grew

Untill One night...

Calixx:hey,mia? please stay by my side till I die

Mia: I won't leave you calixx, I promise

Calixx: goodnight Mia, iloveyou

Mia: goodnight calixx, iloveyoutoo

The heart rate monitor start to beep slower while mia and calixx is holding each other's hands... untill ...the line became flat

Mia's father and Xiana came to visit calixx and saw their child lying beside the heart rate monitor and they knew that their child is gone

Mia's father: when I found out that Mia had a brain tumor, what she told me was that she wanted to be buried next to Calixx

Xiana: calixx told me to burry him where Mia will always be

Mia's father and Xiana decided to buryy Calixx and Mia next to each other to fulfill their children's wishes.


Stay by my side till I die Where stories live. Discover now