Part 7

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Calixx stayed at the hospital and didn't came back to school for almost 3 weeks
And all of his friends are worried abot him


Jc:Hello, Is this calixx's mother?

Xiana:Yes this is his mom, who's this?

Jc:this is his teacher. Im just concerned about him because he's been absent for almost 3 weeks straight. Is he doing alright?

Xiana:My son has cancer...and I don't think he'll ever come back to school, he's been confined for the past few weeks..

Jc:I'm..... I'm so sorry to hear that. Is it okay if the class visits him later?

Xiana:Yeah he's confined at Douzhua hospital

-At the hospital -

When Xiana and Jc saw each other their face turned pale and couldn't even pronounce a single word, meanwhile the rest of the class went to calixx

Xiana and Jc Pov:

Xiana:Jc?Is that really you?..

JC:how have you been xiana?

Xiana: I'm doing great but my son calixx..*starts crying*

Jc:hey it's gonna be alright*pat his head*, everyone leaves and we can't do anything about that

Xiana:yes I know about that..but Calixx.. he's the only one I got..I can't lose him..

Jc:well,you still have your husband Xiana..

Xiana:I..I don't have a husband..Jc..

Jc:then who's the father of Calixx?

Xiana:Jc.. he's.. he's your son..

Jc:What?!but that's impossible you broke up with me almost 18 years ago

Xiana: I'm pregnant with calixx the night I ended the thing between us, I thought you wouldn't want to have a child with me and that you're not ready to be a dad..

Jc:You could've at least tried to tell me! I've been looking for you everywhere and I never stopped loving you!here I am missing you and there you are hiding my OWN SON from me..

Xiana: I'm sorry Jc.. please forgive me...*starts tearing up*

Jc:stop.. just don't apologize, there's nothing we can do about that now.. it's in the past, please let me do my job as a father to calixx, just let me mke it up to him for all of the years I wasn't by his side

Xiana:You don't have to beg me Jc.. Calixx have been asking for his father since he was 5 I think this is the right time to introduce his father to him

Stay by my side till I die Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon