Part 8

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Calixx and the others Pov;

*His 2 bestfriends run to him*

Calixx:hey guys.. how are you?

Mia & lucas: we're fine but.. we should be the one asking you that question calixx..are you okay?

Calixx:yeah I'm fine.. sorry for not telling you guys about my health conditions

Ace:Hey dope*chuckles*,get well soon..if you die our class will be boring and we will look like a sad potato , you wouldn't want that to happen

Calixx:Hey Ace, where's Kyle?

Ace:oohhh talking about the devil,here he is

Kyle: hey Calixx.. listen... I'm sorry for treating you badly before, I didn't know you were going trough something like this

Calixx: it's fine kyle

Ace:huh, guess some bully still have a heart

Kyle:hey stop it ace

*Mia,lucas,ace and calixx chuckled*

Kyle & Ace:it really is sad to see you in a hospital gown calixx .. don't worry we'll make it up to you, we'll be here for you!

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