Part 2

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Dr. Melville:Calixx.. listen.. you have a cancer

Calixx:Cancer?!..what cancer?

Dr. Melville:A heart cancer and it seems that you cared less about your health condition that the cancer spread fast and on stage 3

Calixx: I thought it was all just a simple chest pains,Is there any way for me to cured?

Dr. Melville: sorry calixx but looking at how quickly your disease has spread there is nothing we can do

Calixx: If that's the case..then how long can I live?

Dr. Melville: 5-6 month are the longest that you can live

Calixx: Oh.. I see.. it's fine for me at least I could stil spend some time with my love ones, thankyou Doc

Dr. Melville: Your welcome calixx,ur like a son to me now,just go and live your life to the fullest until your time comes

Calixx: goodbye Doc.

Calixx went home with his head down feeling sad and devastated

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