Chapter Eighteen

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"Exactly, then you let him go before Five or Hugo could talk to him." Lisa said sewing Diegos shirt that he was stab in.

"He stabbed me. And your sewing the shirt I was stabbed in!" Diego said to Lisa.

"I'm surprised he waited this long, we've all had the urge." Five said.

Lila laughed and threw her hand up in the air.

"Good one." She said and Five ignored her and she put her hand down.

"Good thing we know where Dads going to be at tonight." Five said handing Diego the pieces of paper we found.

"Where did you get this?" Diego asked as Lila picked over his shoulder.

"Found it in his office while he was busy stabbing you." I said now sitting on the couch as Lisa sewed Diegos shirt.

"Hoyt Hillenkoetter and the Consulate General of Mexico in Dallas Texas has invited you to a gala." Diego said laughing sarcastically.

"Woah, wait. Hoyt Hillenkoetter? Are you serious?" Elliott asked.

"Do you know him?" I asked looking over at Elliott in the door way.

"We should go. Says there's gonna be a seafood tower." Lila said pointing at the paper.

"No...Hillenkoetter is one of the Majestic Twelve." Elliott explained coming closer to us.

"The hell is the Majestic Twelve?" Lisa asked putting Diegos shirt down.

"Hey, watch your language girl." I said flicking her shoulder.

"Uh, well it's a secret committee of scientists, military, and Uh deep states. No one knows what they really do." He explained going through his papers for something.

"Wait so they're government?" Diego asked sitting up.

"Shadow government. Yeah, Kennedy was the first president to push them into the light, but these guys are not to be trifled with. Oh, here we go." Elliott said as he found what he was looking for. He place a picture on the table and I stood up to look at it, so did Lisa.

"This them, that is Hoyte right there." Elliott said pointing to the far left.

"Huh." Five said looking at the picture closer.

"There is only eleven of them." I said crossing my arms.

"Well that's because there have been only elven identified so far." Elliott explained.

"Who's the twelfth?" Diego asked.

I gave Diego a look that said 'you know who.' It was Sir Reginald Hargreeves.

"We need suits. Well, not me. I mean you two, can't go dressed like that." Lila said pointing at me and Diego.

"What about me?" Lisa asked.

"Sorry kid, it's better you stay here. It could get messy over there." Five said looking at Lisa.

"But I can take care of myself!" Lisa tried fighting Five so she could go.

"Well for Hugo's well being, and yours. It is better if you stay." Five said patting Lisa head.

"Fine, but only because I care about Hugos well being." Lisa said sitting down on the couch.

"Well, Hugo can borrow one of my old suits." Elliott said smiling.

"It would be too big on me." I said pointing at myself.

"I can make it work!" Elliott said and went to grab his suit.

"Hey kid, I'll bring back some seafood for you." Lila said to Lisa.

"Oh, okay. Never had seafood before." Lisa said smiling and I went to put on Elliotts suit.

Once I had it on it was still a little big but would work. Five came up behind and tapped my shoulder.

"I think Lisa likes Lila, you know kinda sees her as a big sister or something." Five said standing next to me wanting for Lila and Diego.

"I still don't trust her. She gives me a tense feeling, like I know her from somewhere." I said fixing my tie.

"You I don't really like her either. But some how Diego dose." Five said.

"Well your brother is weird, and was in the nut house with her." I said turning to Five.

"Yeah I know, but enough about that let's get you some shose." Five said and kissed my cheek. We walked to Elliott and he got me a pair of shoes, also to big.

"Sorry, smallest ones I got." He said but I took them anyway.

"It's alright Elliott, I will make them work." I said.

I walked out into the main area and put the shose on. Lila and Diego came out from the back, Lila had a nice green dress on and Diego had suit about like mine.

"Well don't we nice." Lila said as she smoothed her dress.

"Uh, yeah." I said pushing my foot up the shose.

"Right. We better leave." Five said he grabbed my hand and teleported me to the car.

"She is right you know. You look nice." He said and squeezed my hand.

Once Diego and Lila got into the car Five drove off to the gala.

An: I can't wait to show more of Hugo's powers when they fight the brothers at the gala oml.

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