Episode 4

794 43 4

Author pov
Kaala pradashan is going to start I was roaming in garden suddenly one dasi came and tell me that it's time to be in arena.

All ladies seat in their respective seats .
Dronacharya : this match is organize to find the most suitable king for hastinapur and to see what I thought to my student. Ashwatthama came and shoot and arrow on the board.

Ashwatthama : first prince to have match is duryodhan to nakul.
Duryodhan : pranipat pitamah, pitashree , mata and kaka shree.
Pranaam guru dev.
And all blessed him.

Duryodhan stand in the middle of arena and suddenly two big eagles was coming towards arena they see he is nakul.

Most handsome man of his era.
I mean his entry was superb he fight with a sword but eventually he lost (ohh my god I nearly have a heart attack) guys ignore my sh**they are already weird.

Next sahdev he is the calm one and the quiet guy.
He fought with a axe their fight was good but sahdev not win the yudhishthir came the dharma guy who never lie and the patience he have we surely need .

He fight very good but when mama shree is here they you have to be feared just joking.
Duryodhan trick him and he lost also the all three brother come in front of elders and take their blessing.

Bheem the son of pawan dev the strongest of the kuru boys.
He came and fight with his mace but duryodhan said something that trigger him and he eventually he hurt
Him And got disqualified.

Then Arjun came he was about enter but a large chunk of rocks fall in him.
Kunti maa is shocked and start crying all were shocked but you know our shivi already know so she is not shocked.

( and yeah our shivi don't like Arjun cause he is the son of arrogant indra dev and many more reasons. And she is fan of karna not Arjun that's why also)

But the chunk break and Arjun came he shoot arrow and the arrow goes to all elder feet as asking blessing his arrow take mata kunti tear which fall when she see her son and arrow came back to Arjun and he take the tear and put in his head.

He came and shoot an arrow towards duryodhan which make him freeze and his eyes suddenly fall on the beauty.
Arjun pov
When I see those dark brown eyes like they are black holes and they are pulling him .

She is not seeing me but when I see her a pleasant smile came in my face

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She is not seeing me but when I see her a pleasant smile came in my face.
I heard guru dev say that
Guru drona : the best archer in the world is my student Arjun.
But suddenly an arrow free duryodhan and I am finding who the hell is he who dared to do this an man jump from the wall of the castle
He has masculine body he have a great muscels I must say even if I don't want he have golden kundals on his ear and he have black eyes I don't why but seeing him I think he is someone close to me.

I heard guru dev voice
Drona : who are you how dare you to fight against the prince.
He shout

The man : my name is karna the son of the adirath the charioter of mahamahim bhism and the radha.
And I am sutputra.
Drona : sutputra and you have this much guts to fight with kshatriyon.
Ok now I will update soon I want 10 votes today please grant my wish

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