"Doc." He said.

"Doc." Malik said while giving a nod back. "What's going on?"

Dr. Mendez gave Malik a rundown of what had happened earlier then informed him that he was not going to be able to discharge Amari. "... Amari has CHD, which is a congenital heart defect. Everyone is born with a hole in their heart and after about six months to a year, the hole should have healed completely. For some, that hole does not heal. Over time, it'll become a serious issue causing blood flow through the heart to be difficult. With the amount of stress your sister has endured in such little time, it's making its own effects. That's not to mention... She's twelve weeks pregnant with twins."

Malik gave Dr. Mendez a blank stare. Two seconds. It took two seconds for Malik to process what he'd just been told. "I- I'm sorry... you said what?"

Dr. Mendez only nodded his head slowly. "Yeeaah, with all the tests we ran when she was first admitted we found abnormalities in her heart rate. The first few days were passed up because she was OD'd on meds and because she was unconscious. But her vitals from last night raised questions, so I did a few scans this morning and found the defect. The scans were originally for her brain to make sure she was in the clear from being in a coma, but the nurse informed me that Amari had been experiencing chest pains. It wasn't until the incident from earlier that I found out she's carrying. And I know this is a lot to take in and process, but I would like to get things started as far as giving her the proper care she needs and will need. With her carrying twins, the defect is three more of a problem than it would be if she wasn't pregnant. I'll give you time though. I do have a couple other patience to see, but I'll be back in here to check in. You have my number, please don't hesitate to use it."

Dr. Mendez answered a call as he walked out the room. Emotions were rushing through him. He felt like a failure. Like he'd just let Malik down and broke his promise of doing all that he could to help her.

Malik sat in silence and couldn't believe what was just dropped into his lap. *Twins?* He thought to himself. *CHD?* Everything was just happening so fast, he started to feel sick. He sunk into the chair and leaned his head back.


"Mila? I know it's hard to see right now, but I know Amari appreciates you. Despite the argument y'all had yesterday, you stayed and that shows and says a lot about how much you care. I'm sure whatever it was, it'll blow over in no time." Josiah told Mila who was only half listening. She was too busy trying to figure out what she could eat that wouldn't come back up later.

"Mila?" Josiah called out hoping she'd just take a minute to listen.

"Listen, if the pep talk is why you chose to walk with me, you should've just stayed in the room. There's no need for that. Malik already gave me one. I'm not the one you need to feel sorry for either." Mila responded. For her, it was too early to be talking about the drama or getting sentimental. She was tired of crying and going back and forth. She just wanted to eat and go back to sleep.

"That was kinda foul, but you got it." Josiah thought about walking away, but he didn't. He didn't want her to think that was really the only reason he walked with her.

The two walked back once Khelani figured out what she wanted. She had mixed cravings, so of course it took a while. When they got back to the room, Malik was still in the same position- sunken into the chair with his head leaned back.

"Everything good? Are they still gonna discharge her or...? Never mind. That was a dumb question considering what had happened." Mila said.

Josiah tapped her and motioned his pointer finger over his mouth, hushing her. Amari was beginning to wake back up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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