V. I Can't Walk

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TEN OR EIGHT, WE'RE BOTH STILL KIDS but Louis treats me like a baby just because he's two years older than me

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TEN OR EIGHT, WE'RE BOTH STILL KIDS but Louis treats me like a baby just because he's two years older than me.

The only good thing about him was that he had dark hair after our grandmother like Clara. Although he was a prankster, Clara was able to melt into our family thanks to him. It was time to talk to him about it.

"You know what?"


"Clara was adopted. Did you know that?"

Huh, I'm sorry to burst your bubble but I knew this way before you. But if I did tell him that I knew, he was sure to ask and probe so I acted as if I didn't know.

"What do you mean? Clara's my sister."

"Huh, you don't understand a thing. She's adopted. Adopted."

He must want to make me angry since he was repeating his words. I knew one thing was for sure.


"So she didn't come from Mom and Dad."

Louis didn't mean anything ill towards Clara. He was just jealous of me and Clara's relationship.

But, I had one last card up my sleeve. Pretending not to know anything. Even if I did understand, I would pretend like I didn't and make the other person frustrated.

"What do you mean that she didn't come from mom and dad?"

"So mom wasn't pregnant with her."

"I don't understand what you are saying."

Keep on talking. I pretended not to know and Louis said again in a frustrated voice.

"Come on. So Clara has different parents. Like different parents from our brothers."


Louis turned red with anger. I took this opportunity to laugh and stomp on Louis's foot.

"Whoops, sorry Louis."

It was on purpose. He couldn't tell dad or our brothers because then he'd have to explain everything.

It was one of my secret hobbies, making fun of Louis. Meanwhile, Clara was dancing with someone else but the hero was nowhere to be seen.

"What are you looking for?"

"Nothing. I want to stop dancing now."

"Thanks bro."

Louis happily let me go and grabbed his swollen foot. Walking away from my brothers, I wandered around looking for the hero.

Where did he go?

I was planning to check where Alex was and bring Clara to her. I ran around the house ecstatically. But huh, where was this guy?

The Valentine house was too large for an eight year old to cover and my magic staff was taken away from me until I had more control over my magic.

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