Awe darn I got stuck

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A/N: Hiiiiii- welcome to the 'first' *wink wink* chapter to this story! Please enjoy!!!


I thrust my leg back and forth as I kick the damned elevator door in frustration not being able to get it to work.

"Damn it!!! Work you fuckin cheep ass garbage!! This isn't cool man!"

I punch the door will full strength because of how angry I was. All I wanted to do was hang with these girls and now I'm trapped. I JUST WANTED TO FIT IN!!!

I guess this is what I get for trying to hang out with the 'cool girl's I mean they weren't really cool per say, but they were still known for something,

"I wish I could've just been born rich and popular so people would actually want to be my friend. Maybe like a model that goes to public school because her rich dad finally gave into the pleading him to let me go. Not just becoming cool because I go into a 'hAuNdtEd hOtEl!!' to look cool in front of some people I hardly even know... Maybe in the next life."

I sigh while kneeling into the ground tired from all that frantic kicking.

I wish. I wish. I JUST WISH, I could be more than a background character. Someone people like. Someone... (That gets all the bitches😍😍😍) someone that has loving parents. Someone that people yell to in the hallway excited to see them. Someone that isn't. Me.

Sighing I get up and grab the backpack I threw across the room earlier because of my little hissy fit *cough* anyways- I open the backpack to get a snack so I can eat something while looking for a different way to get out.

I see a door that had a huge ass lock on it and looked for a key. "Now *munch* where could that *munch* key be... *munch*" Finally I see it on a rack hanging on the wall.

"There you are!" I epically jump over the counter falling on my face right into the rugged floor dirtying the delicious snack I was eating in the process, I quickly get up hoping there weren't any cameras in the room not wanting someone to see that embarrassing stunt. Grabbing the key and limping my way to the door. I crawl under the random shite in the way and open the door.


The door makes the most obnoxious noise ever as I open it and I cringe at the upsetting noise.

I see the next room that has a short hallway that goes to another door, rooms on the side, most likely hotel bedrooms or food supply orrr cleaning product. Anyways back to the main objective- "HOW DO I GET OUT OF HEEERREEE" I groan to myself while walking to the next door. This one has a '2', turning around I look back at the other door that has a '1'

"I guess I didn't notice that before, wait.... HOW MANY DOORS ARE THERE-" I open the next door and see ANOTHER DOOR. This one has a '3'.

"F u c k"

I run over to it and open the next door not analyzing the area before hand. I stop in my tracks hearing a silent noise come from the distance. What was it? Creaking? Squeaking? It's getting louder. The ground starts to shake and I get worried. The louder it gets the more it starts to get clearer. No.... It's....

To be continued...🤭

Word Count: 587

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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