Evan shrugged, but Nigel just continued to grin at Terrance. That instantly putting him off as he looked away to now see his face anymore.

"All I read were excuses flying past your teeth and lips. What a waste." Nigel responds, and Terrance eyes widened.

He hoped Evan would say something only to see him agree to a certain degree.

"Not gonna lie, those were all excuses Terrance." Evan snickered, causing Terrance to shake his head immediately.

When Evan walked away, Terrance walked right up to Nigel. Seeing him raise his eyebrow curiously at him, he sneered sharply.

"I know you're full of shit...I'll figure it out, you watch." Terrance sneered quietly, only for Nigel to shove Terrance back by his shoulders gently. Only to step towards him and look into his eyes, throwing Terrance off as to how close he got. And how disturbed he was at how attractive someone could be up close like this.

"I don't think you're doing anything...I haven't done anything wrong. My hands are clean...are yours?" Nigel questioned him, causing Terrance to step back. Only for Nigel to step back towards him and caused Terrance to trip up on a rug, falling onto one of the couches.

Nigel grinned down at him, exhaling in peace.

"This will be the best party, I just know it." Nigel smiled excitedly, going over to grab a cup as he filled it with punch. Drinking some, he handed it right to Terrance who looked away shyly to his surprise. "You can have the rest, it tastes great."

As Nigel walked away, Terrance found himself breathing heavily. Both in anger and in frustration...to too many things. Such emotions lasted up until the party started and people began to come.

Evan completely unaware as he was too busy putting things together and putting on the music. Nigel helping him any way he could and he could barely speak to him without them being to distracted with setting up. Even when he was finally done, he had to rush over to the front door as the doorbell went off to his surprise.

Usually, everyone knew they could just walk in, so for someone to ring the doorbell was unusual.

Opening the door, he looked down. He saw five of guys looking at him, but before he could respond, one of them spoke up first.

"Where is he?"

Evan frowned, unsure if he saw the people he was seeing correctly. He could see that some cars were starting to come up, but he never saw these people in his school before.

Yet...they somehow looked familiar.

"Where is who?"

Evan watched as three out of the five guys started laughing. Mocking him a bit, he became irritated by such a thing.

"Don't play dumb Evan, where's Terrance?"

He instantly was confused because they knew his name, but Terrance's too. Before he could respond he saw even more people that were actually from his school coming up.

Not wanting to make a scene, he moved off to the side for them to enter. Allowing people he barely remembered into his house, he saw them instantly go for the food.

His hopes were that it was some random friends that he had forgotten about. Or people that Terrance was friends with, but he wasn't friends with them.

Once he closed the door, he wanted to look for Nigel immediately. Not having to look for as Nigel was sitting on the couch between others. No talking happening, but Evan wanted to sit beside him.

Going behind the couch, he tapped Nigel's shoulder. When he looked over his shoulder he smiled up at him, standing up.

"Do you...want to see upstairs before others go up there?" Evan asks him quietly, seeing Nigel nod in amusement.

Boy From NowhereWhere stories live. Discover now