Chapter 3; Phone

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Sadly, I stepped away from the art classroom with a tear in my eye. Disheartened by what happened, I decided that I should ring Isla, and tell her all about it. I put my hand in my pocket to get my phone,
but there was no phone. It was gone. Panic filled my entire body like a flash flood as I frantically put my hands in and out of every single pocket, trying as hard as I possibly could to find it, but it was gone. No sign of it. Just like it had never existed. The trickle of tears that was dripping down my cheeks turned into a waterfall. There was nothing I could do, just the things I could have done to prevent this.

Running to my head of year, Mrs Burke, all I could think about was all of the photos and memories I'd kept on that phone, private information in my notes, things that I don't trust with anybody, not even the most kind-hearted, genuine souls. Slowly and carefully walking through the quiet corridors, all I wanted to do was let out a massive scream and throw up, but I prevented myself from doing that because I'm absolutely terrified of witnessing people throwing up, let alone me throwing up, and I couldn't scream because there were year 11s doing their exams, and I'd hate for their entire future to be ruined all because of me. Finally, I had made it to Mrs Burke's office, but there was one thing in her office missing. Her. In her office sat a dark-haired woman. Miss Cloud, endlessly typing emails on her laptop, she turned around and looked at me with piercing blue eyes and a pitiful expression.

"What's wrong?" She asked me, I was surprised because I thought she seemed a bit mean when she was teaching me in English, and history. Sniffing and crying a river, I told her, It was gone. My phone, the only thing I could rely on to keep me safe when I'm walking home through the dark nights, my communication to the world and my personal information. Everything. Lost. Forever. Putting her arm around me, she told me that everything was going to be ok and I wasn't sure whether I could believe her or not. She can tell me it'll be fine, she could give me the biggest hug in the world and tell me to rise above it, but she'll never really know how I feel, or will she?
"When did you last have it?" She asked, while moving her arm and putting on her gold, round glasses. "In art," I muttered through tears. "Ok, I'll help you."
Crying even harder than before, I imagined where my phone could be right now, In someone else's bag. For a second, a frightful thought crossed my mind. maybe they are smashing it up on the pavement, shards of glass and metal falling off it, bit by bit until there is nothing left of my beloved phone, my possession, whilst the culprits laugh and enjoy tearing an innocent girl's life apart,
and I just couldn't get that thought out of my head.

Suddenly, that didn't matter anymore because I couldn't breathe, I was trying so hard but the air kept getting caught and a ton of bricks was pressing on my chest and I couldn't move. Now what do I do? Was I going to die? "MISS HELP ME!" I had no choice but too scream, all I could think about was the fact that I was about to die in school at fourteen years old. What about my older brothers? They wouldn't be able to grow up and live a normal life knowing that they couldn't protect their little sister. ORLA! I'd already overheard Taylor being so horrible about her ginger hair, and I know for a fact that she'll be finding it so hard to make new friends in this big massive school, I'm all she has. I was absolutely sweltering hot, as if I'm a battery overheating and I'm about to set on fire, not cooling down until I'm nothing but embers on the ground. That's all I could see. Flames. Not real flames, but flames, blocking the view. I couldn't see anything past the fire of emotions and chaos in my mind.

Suddenly, someone took my hand. It was Miss Cloud, she looked into my eyes, and said to me, "What is your favourite lesson?" "History," i told her, "It used to be art, but now that Mrs Bleu is gone, and my phone was stolen, I can't say the same anymore. I think history is better, I love learning about everything that led up to today's world, and all the people. It's so interesting." I explained.
"Me too," said Miss Cloud.
"I mean, you are a history teacher," I said to her, with a smile, "And English," she added. We both giggled, and I wiped away my tears, I realised something, I could breathe again now. I'd completely forgotten about the flames, or the bricks pressing on my chest. I was fine now. I was standing, breathing, chatting, but was I really fine?
"Tomorrow, I will help you find out who took your phone, and they will be severely punished. I can't do anything about it now, because they are probably at home, but I promise that tomorrow will be our day to sort this out! Ok?" She explained.
"Yes please, I'm happy with that! Thanks miss!" I said, while forcing out a smile.
"Dear, I know your not really happy, trust me, I know how you feel. My phone was stolen too. I was in year 9, and it was snatched out of my hands, I was absolutely devastated, and I never felt happy again until I met my best friend, Louise. She helped me to find the real me. You will find a best friend too, just be yourself, then wait until the right people come into your life." As her words sunk in, I looked up at her and just nodded my head. "Thanks miss," I said to her as she looked at her watch,
"I think you should get going now, your family must be so worried,"
"Of course, Miss! Um... Worried."
I grabbed my bag, said "bye miss, thank you for helping me, I'll see you tomorrow."
"Bye, love."

Sisters, promises, timeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang