Let Me Help You - Part 1

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Bruce found himself on Clark's doorstep, tired, breathing rapidly and bleeding. Swaying slightly, he rapped on the door hoping Clark was home. The door opened a crack at first then swung fully open revealing a worried Clark standing there. Clark noticed that Bruce's breathing was uneven and he looked tired. He also saw that Bruce wore a slightly dazed look on his face, which worried him more. "Bruce! Are you OK? Do you need something?" he asked hurriedly. "... Didn't know where else to go" Bruce managed to whisper before collapsing with a pained groan, his vision going dark. Clark immediately reached out and caught him seconds before he hit the floor. He looked around to make sure there was no one else there and stepped inside closing and locking the door. He carried Bruce to the couch and laid him down. Clark carefully slid the cowl that covered most of Bruce's face off to reveal a few shallow cuts and some bruises. He noticed that he had a deep cut running down the length of his chiseled jaw. He proceeded to take off Bruce's armor, cape and boots and scan him with x-ray vision. Clark found nothing broken except for two cracked ribs, a gash from his elbow to his wrist and more bruises. This worried him because usually Bruce emerged from fights with a few scratches and nothing more. Clark then went to the kitchen and filled a small bowl with lukewarm water, got a clean rag to clean Bruce's wounds with, a bottle of disinfectant and some bandages. He also found some sweatpants and an old shirt for Bruce to wear. Clark came back into the living room and placed the items in his hands softly on the coffee table. He then got to work cleaning and bandaging Bruce. Afterwards he changed him into the sweatpants and decided to leave him like that for now and just cover Bruce with a blanket. He still left the shirt neatly folded on the arm of the couch. Clark got up off the floor where he had been siting and went to warm up some food. He ate and then changed into a pair of sweats and went to check on Bruce. He still hadn't woken up and was still pale. Clark felt his forehead for a fever but he didn't have one, so he turned off the lights and went to bed.

Hey peeps! Sorry I haven't written in a while. I started school again and my family's renovating our little apartment and I've been helping out. Im going to keep writing and uploading stories just not as often. Hope you enjoy this chapter!

                 Your writer,

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