3. Hellhounds, hot dogs and sunglasses...

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Mating Season

Chapter 3

Hellhounds, hot dogs and sunglasses.

It was a hot, hot Friday afternoon. Most people were inside stores or shopping malls trying to take full advantage of the air conditioning. Wei Ying and Lan Zhan, though, were not. They were walking through the streets, visiting a few places Wei Ying needed to go to.

"Thanks again for doing this with me..."

"Don't mention it. You know, I think it's cute that you're going through all this trouble just to babysit your neighbour's kids. You must really like them."

"Oh, quite the contrary Mr. Wolf." which made Lan Zhan smile. "They're more... hellhounds than children, so I need leverage and bargaining power if I want them to behave."

"Ah... and you intend on using ice cream, candy, costumes and toys as bribery..."

"Absolutely. If I could, I'd use elephant tranquillisers too... but since that's not an option... You think that the Alpha is bad... wait 'till you meet them."

"Come on... they can't be THAT bad?"

"Don't get me wrong, I love children. Really do. But these ones have made grown men cry... me mostly. The youngest girl actually likes to hit men on their privates with a baseball bat if they answer her questions wrong."

Lan Zhan raised his eyebrows.

"You know, you do have a secret weapon... since they're hellhounds."

"I do?"

"Sure... I could help you with them. You know... werewolves and hellhounds... that kind of thing."

"You'd do that? Really? Why?"

"Well... it seems like a lot of trouble just for one person. Even if that person is the one who attacked the Alpha. So-"
Lan Zhan chuckled at his own joke.

"AH!" interrupted Wei Ying, "You wanna come with me so that you can evaluate my parenting skills! That's what you're after! A quick dry run."

"Wha.. no, I-"

"I know your true intentions Mr. Wolfie... after all I'm 'going to raise YOUR pups' ain't I"?

Wei Ying gave him a smile. Lan Zhan decided to change the subject to... something safer, so he pointed at the next ice cream store and asked:

"Do you want some ice cream?"

"Oh, I see... deflection. Ok. Sure, anything but papaya is fine... While you wait in the queue I'll go to the Costume Parlor and get some costumes for the kids, ok? Here's the money for the ice cream."

"No, keep your money. No need for it."

"Oh... so are we on a date? This is our second date? And you're already thinking about babies? Mating season is a powerful force huh?" Wei Ying uttered carelessly, not aware of the effect his comment made on the other man.

"No! I mean... unless you want it to be... a date, you know. I don't think of this as a date, it's more... like courtship." Lan Zhan fumbled badly to choose the right words.

"Isn't dating part of the whole courtship process?"
Wei Ying raised his eyes.

"Yes, but this is different... you know?"
Lan Zhan rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Sure it is... go on then, go buy ice cream. I'll be with you in a second."

Wei Ying then gave him a large smile and walked towards the costume shop. He needed very simple costumes... fairy, princess, warrior... After finding the ones he needed, he found one that he surely wasn't expecting.

Mating Season.... Ended- WEREWOLF-Romance!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora