1. The calamity of 'Rut' ...!!

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This chapter is heavily reliant on dialogue. For the next ones, there'll be more descriptions and common structures.


Chapter 1

The Calamity of Rut

"No way! No way!" Scott was walking in circles around them. He was freaking out with what he'd just been told, and all that Lan Zhan and Wei Ying did was to look at him. "You expect me to believe that werewolves have a mating season? That I'll somehow be magically turned on every year and hump anything that moves?"

"This is not magic, Scott, its biology. Animals have mating seasons. Why would it be different for werewolves?" Lan Zhan said,"Sit down already and let me explain the rest."

The younger lycanthrope sat, grudgingly, next to Wei Ying and beckoned Lan Zhan to keep talking.

"You must have felt the changes begin already... a keener smell sense to pic people who are still fertile, which women who are ovulating or about to, quality of eggs and sperm and health conditions and virginity... not to mention the constant horniness."

"Wait a second, you can tell who's a virgin? Never mind the ovulating part, VIRGINS?" A wide-eyed Wei Ying said while looking from one wolf to the other.

"As a matter of fact, yes. Why are you interested in finding others of your kind?"

"Was that an attempt at sarcasm? 'Cos if it was, it didn't work. It's public knowledge that I haven't done the deed yet."

Lan Zhan simply raised his eyebrows and turned to Scott again.

"Anyway... It will fully kick in by the start of next week, and it should last for around the next two. I could tell you to stay away from that girlfriend of yours but I know that you won't, so instead I'll tell you to avoid traditional ways of... mating, unless you want her pregnant. Regular condoms won't hold. Get the übber strong kind."

Scott turned bright red and mumbled something that only Lan Zhan understood, leaving the innocent Wei Ying confused.

"Yes, it does mean that."

"What? What did he say? What does 'that' means?"

"Nothing, shut uuup bro." Scott replied.

Wei Ying was about to say something when Lan Zhan interrupted.

"You can pry the answer out of him later on. Now, we have a more pressing matter to handle."

"The Alpha?"

"It does involve him, yes. But the point is, he will also -"

"Be under the mating season effect!" interrupted Wei Ying 

Lan Zhan frowned at him and said, "Yes, he will. And that leaves us with a problem because -"

"He will try and mate with you and have a litter of 'werepuppies'."

"What? Wei Ying, in case you haven't noticed: we are all male. How would we have puppies?" Scott said. He then turned to Lan Zhan and asked, "We can't, right?" To which Wei Ying replied:

"Well, you see, I read this story* in which men had babies. They simply had to put this kind of worm up their butts and plop came a baby 9 months later. There was this werebear that used it and considering that -"

"Do you ever listen to yourself?" asked Lan Zhan, annoyed, "This is not some story, and there is no magical baby making maggot! The point is: Wei, you are up for grabs."

There was a dead stunned silence after that. Both teenagers were looking at Lan Zhan, and he slowly saw their faces go from a complete blank to a confused frown.

Mating Season.... Ended- WEREWOLF-Romance!Where stories live. Discover now