Chapter 18: Midnight Strikes

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(At Soarin's House)

Rainbow's P.O.V

"What would you like Soarin?" His mom asked him, "APPLE PIEEEE! Please!" He said and then started jumping up and down, "And you sweetheart?" Mrs. Skies asked me, "Um, just iced tea is fine." I said smiling, "Alright, you too have fun now." His mom said and then left to make the food and drinks. "Soar your mom is so nice!" I said cheerfully, "Yep she is, just like you." He said and then wrapped his arm around me (Arm? Or hoof? Or hooves? I'm confused... Hey that rhymes!) "Aww, you're too sweet" I said and cuddled up next to him on his couch, and then his mom brought our food and drinks. "Hey Soar?" I asked him, "Yes my love?" He asked me sweetly, "Can you show me your room? After all I did show you mine..." I asked Soarin,"Uhhh, it's sorta messy, and I don't know if you'd like that..." He said while scratching his head, "But..." I started, "No, I don't want you to think I'm messy, hehe..." He said, "Pwessss Soary!!!" I pouted in my baby voice, and then started leaning into him. After that he blushed and still said no, like what could he be hiding in there? I know exactly how to make him let me in there... "Please!!!!" I pouted again and then I leaned in more. "Ugh fine, why do you know my one weakness..." He said and then brought me up to his room and it was covered in... MY PICTURES?!?! "Soarin! What is all this?" I asked him suspiciously, "It's the loveliest girl in the world, that's what it is..." He said smirking. "Okay, okay, stop buttering me up." I said leaving, "Oh com'on, I love flirting with you though..." He said and then we went back downstairs.


Me and Soar went to the beach to have a little alone time together, we are gonna have a picnic, and find out who had saved me from drowning, well I'll ask him about it... We were eating some strawberries and pineapples, and of course he just insisted on feeding me... After that I asked him about the pool situation... "Soar? Do you know who saved me from drowning in the pool?" I asked him, he suddenly looked like he'd seen a ghost, but then his face turned angry, "OH YOU WANNA KNOW WHO SAVED YOU FROM DROWNING? WELL, IF YOU WANNA KNOW HE'S PROBABLY A BIG FAT GIRLFRIEND STEALER AND YOU CAN GO RUN TO HIM, AND F.Y.I HE HAS PURPLE SPARKLY HAIR! AND A LIGHT GRAY COAT!" He said angrily, and then caught his breath, after that I think he saw the hurt look on my face, LIKE IS HE THAT OBSESSED OVER ME?!??!?!!!!!!?? "Wait Dash I'm sorr-" He started to say but I just lost my cool... "You know what Soarin? I think maybe you're I little obsessed with me? You have pictures of me in your room, you don't let me talk to boys, you hate when boys talk to me, what else is there?" I said and then got up, "Wait Dashie no it's not like that-" "I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT MR. SKIES! Maybe we should just go our separate ways..." And with that I left, leaving HIM shook to his very core...

Unknown P.O.V

I saw a couple fighting on the beach about something, and the girl looked really mad, and familiar... WAIT! She's the one I saved! Hmm I have a feeling that their fighting about that... I should go talk to the boy. "Um, hello sir!" I said to the boy who was also familiar, "He- Oh it's you..." He said, "Yes um my name is Midnight Sparkle, I'm Princess Twilight's cousin." I said happily.

Soarin's P.O.V

Twilight's cousin? Huh, that's Dash's friend, "Uh, I'm Soarin Skies." I said and then we shook hands, "I see you and your lovely lady had an argument?" He questioned. "Uh yeah actually, we fought about uhh, me being er um possessive..." I said looking embarrassed, "Ooo, not a good look for you man, not at all... Girls like a nice, romantic, strong man, not overprotective, obsessed, desperate, possessive, you know that stuff." He said and then patted me on the back. "Well, what are you waiting for go get her!" He said and after that I ran towards Dashie's house, maybe he's not a big fat girlfriend stealer...

Rainbow's P.O.V

I was still walking around the beach thinking about what had just happened, hmm maybe I hurt his feelings... But I don't like desperate boys either...

Well, well, well...

Oh, hey brain...

Looks like someone's depressed...

Yeah actually, I probably won't see him again and I did love him...


It's not that simple, he probably hates my guts and will never ever come to talk to me again!

3... 2... 1...


"Dash! Please listen to me, and I'm sorry for being possessive and stuff, those pictures in my room were from my photo album, okay?! I was re-organizing, that's why I didn't want you in there! Please give me another chance!" Soarin said and ran up to me, "Soarin, I'm sorry for yelling at you, that wasn't right of me to do, I'm sorry..." I said and then I looked into his beautiful green eyes, "I love you Dashie" he said sweetly...

A/N: Hewo guys, did you think they'd actually break up? Well, you'll see in the next chapter. Bye! :D

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