Chapter 12: Court

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Chapter 12: Court

(Outside Of Twilight's House)

Soarin's P.O.V

Don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious... Right now, I'm sneaking behind Twilight's car to get a pic of the license plate, yeah, I know that's dangerous, I mean for all I could know there could be somepony in that car getting ready to back out... So, I better hurry up with this, and... DONE! Okay to the police station I go! When I got there, I saw Dashie sitting in the waiting room with her crutches, "Hey Dashie! Should you be resting in bed?" I said curiously, "Well, I need to find out who NEARLY RAN ME OVER!" She shrieked. "Well, guess what I know who it was..." I said looking into her beautiful magenta eyes. "WHO?!" She said shocked. "Two words, Twilight Sparkle" I said while sighing... "TWILIGHT?! No, she'd never?! Maybe it was an accident?! Or maybe she didn't see me?!" Dash said panicking "Shh... Calm down, it's alright" I said while sitting down next to her and stroking her long colorful hair. She seemed to calm down after that, I also told the officers what had happened and I think they might have recognized me as Soarin Skies because I wasn't in my deguise, but they agreed to have a trail at court with Toilet Sprinkles...


Rainbow's P.O.V

I arrived at court with Soarin, who was trying to calm me down because I was very nervous, I mean... I've never been to court before... As we entered me and Soarin sat down in chairs as witnesses, I guess...

(A/N: How does court work?)

I sat there shaking nervously and I jumped when the judge hit the hammer thing...


"AHH!" I said while jumping into Soarin's lap, gosh that was so embarrassing and un-cool... "Woah, it's okay stay calm" He said while stroking my hair, well for some reason it felt good to be taken care of by Soarin, he calmed me down when I was stressed, and is really sweet when he wants to be, "BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH!" I heard the judge say. Not actually I just didn't pay attention, since I was lost in my thoughts about Soarin... "TWILIGHT SPARKLE IS GUILTY! Since you are a kid, you are not going to be sent to jail but, you will be suspended from your school for 2 weeks and will be helping the builders rebuild town hall!" The judge screamed, Ooo that's harsh I mean, I don't know if she did that on purpose or not if she did... She will regret it... If not, I'll see if I can even forgive her, "Hey Twi!" I yelled as everyone exited the building, "Yeah?" I heard her answer sadly, "Did you do that on purpose or not?" I asked quietly, "No, I didn't! My car was actually just fixed and was going for a test drive! I guess the break stopped working for a second there and we'll it kept going..." She said and sighed, "Oh" I said sadly "I hope you feel better though Rainbow, see you later" she said and walked off, omg poor girl, she didn't even mean to do that! I better get in the car because Soarin is waiting for me.

Okay I just got in his limo now, I like to sit in the back seat next to him because when I fall asleep, I sleep on his shoulder, and I'm not gonna lie, it's pretty comfortable...

Or muscular...

No comment brain, no comment.

Oh com 'on we all know that's probably what you dream about all day long!


A/N: Hewooo guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! And it looks like RD is finally starting to enjoy Soarin's company! (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠) (⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠) 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。 (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)

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