When he opened, Jeongguk was standing there, looking extremely awkward, but still incredibly hot, although he didn't make much of an effort and came dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie. That was the thing with Jeongguk: he could have worn a potato sack and looked hot in it.

He also had a defiant look in his eyes, like he was daring Taehyung to say anything about how he'd finally decided to come. But Taehyung wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth. He silently stepped aside, eyes still fixed on Jeongguk.

When the door closed behind them, Jeongguk turned to look at Taehyung, terribly stiff. Taehyung took a step forward.

"Thanks for coming," he murmured. "I wasn't sure you would."

Jeongguk shrugged, frowning, before tensing when Taehyung grasped at his hoodie and pulled him in for a kiss.

It was a bit stilted at first, Jeongguk visibly wondering what he was supposed to do with his hands; but when Taehyung slipped his tongue inside his mouth, it was like something suddenly clicked - possibly Jeongguk's horniness - and without knowing how, Taehyung ended up being pushed against the closest wall with Jeongguk's crotch grinding against his.

Shit, he thought.

Taehyung lost no time in drawing him to his bedroom, scattering their clothes on their way like a breadcrumb trail, secretly screaming at the thought of having a very naked Jeongguk in his bed for the first time.

"Fuck, you're gorgeous," he breathed. "I can't stop looking at you."

This time, Jeongguk blushed a little. "I know. You said."

"You like it when I say that to you," Taehyung smiled.

Without warning, Jeongguk upturned him on the bed and looked at him intently, on all fours above him. "Not when I'm working," he replied, before leaning towards Taehyung to kiss his neck.

Taehyung felt his heart stop. It was unfair how horny Jeongguk was making him, how he could look shy and cute a moment and stupidly hot the next.

"I can't stop thinking about you," he confessed in a low voice when Jeongguk kissed the curve of his shoulder, making him shiver. "I want to touch you all the time. You drive me crazy."

Jeongguk didn't reply, not that Taehyung was expecting him to. He knew he was pushing it a bit too far when saying that, but it was a sad truth about Taehyung that, when he was horny, even more so when he was horny and in love, he was fundamentally unable to stop himself spouting everything that crossed his mind, down to his most intimate thoughts.

Though it didn't really matter, since Jeongguk was acting as if he couldn't hear him. It was a bit like confessing his feelings to a wall, but a wall that was incredibly good at sex.

It was maddening how his body felt attuned to Jeongguk's touch, like it was an instrument that Jeongguk had tuned to his frequency back then in high school, and that wouldn't make sounds nearly as pleasing if it wasn't played by the very hands who had shaped him.

It was something else feeling Jeongguk's mouth on his neck, on his belly, on the inside of his thighs, and it made him shiver as though he had a fever. He'd had boyfriends, over the course of the past seven years, one or two serious relationships even, and still, none of them had made him feel like he did right now, trembling under Jeongguk's lips.

"Don't stop," he whispered, eyes closed, when Jeongguk pulled away.

Jeongguk put a placating hand on his belly. "I'm not. I'm just getting that lube you promised me."

At that, Taehyung's eyes snapped open. "The lube?"

Jeongguk stilled, hand stretched out towards the nightstand.

But I Still Want You {Taekook}Where stories live. Discover now